Part of me wants to buy that, believing that whoever is in there is checking a map or looking at their phone.
Still, it doesn’t sit right. They’ve clearly been there for a while. It feels like I’m being paranoid, but I almost recognize the car.
That’s ridiculous, though. And it’s not like it’s a particularly unique model. Just a black sedan.
I shake myself, reminding myself that the car is on public property up the road, and I have no reason to be concerned. I’ll check back in a bit, in any case.
Going back inside, I shut the door and turn over the lock, that feeling of being watched sticking around.
“So he’s okay with it? I know that Mia would play with Juniper, but after what happened today, I didn’t think Hudson would want to do us a favor.”
Mason chuckles and nods. “Yeah, asking to watch Mia would be a stretch, but yes. Xaden is fine with watching Mia for the evening. Daisy is excited to have a sleepover again, and I know those girls will have a great time.”
I smile, settling myself around Mason as I thread my arms around his waist and look up at him.
“Amazing. I feel like we need a night that’s just you and me after the fire and impromptu relationship reveal.”
Wrapping his arms around me, Mason looks down with a grin. “I couldn’t agree more. And I was thinking, since our cover has been blown and we’re not hiding anymore, how about we take this show on the road?”
I cock my head, narrowing my eyes at Mason. “Oh? And go where exactly?”
“Well,” Mason pulls me against his chest, and I settle in, his heartbeat thumping in my ear, “Summer Fest is going on in town. So there are rides, food, concerts. Could be fun.”
Chuckling against him, I nod. “Anywhere is fun with you, Mason. I’m in.”
“Great. We’ll have lunch with Mia, and you can get ready while she naps, and then we’ll drop her off at Xaden’s and head down. It’ll be nice to get out of the house. Not that I don’t enjoy our movie nights.”
Stepping back, I reach for my coffee on the island behind Mason and take a sip. “Our movie nights that don’t involve watching a movie? Yeah, I like ‘em too.”
We both laugh and for the first time in a while, I’m actually looking forward to hitting the town.
On the drive downtown, Mason and I can already hear the music playing.
Main Street has been blocked off for people to walk around and check out all the vendors and food trucks. And there’s a stage set up where one of several local bands is playing.
There are kids’ games and attractions, and I can’t help but think that Mia would have enjoyed some of this, too.
Still, she’s a toddler, so there’s not as much for a little kid to do, and tonight is supposed to be about Mason and me.
We park the truck a few blocks down and walk to the main entrance, where we’ll buy tickets and get a wristband that shows we’re old enough to drink.
I remember coming to Summer Fest several times as a kid, and being one of the adults here this time tickles me pink.
At the ticket line, Mason stops, and when I look over at him, he’s smiling at the woman standing in front of us.
“Amy, hi there.”
She turns around, recognizing Mason and offering a smile. “Hello, Mason. Good to see you. How’s my favorite daddy’s girl?”
Mason grins, putting a hand to his chest. “Mia’s doing great. Thank you.”
He turns to me, gesturing as his other hand sits comfortably on the small of my back. “This is my girlfriend, Bridget.”
I smile, feeling a bit on the spot being called Mason’s girlfriend. But the truth is I love it. Jai consistently “forgot” to introduce me.