“Of course, doctor. We’ll be sure to keep her on track. Thank you so much.”

The doctor smiles, that professional nod of hers offered as a way of saying, “Of course.”

“I’m glad that she’s responding to this round of medications. Not having to try a third set of options is good. Hopefully, when you come back again, Bev, I’ll have even better news.”

“I look forward to it.”

Mom raises her brows, patting my leg before she gets up off the little exam table that’s been raised into a chair shape. She looks between Hudson and me.

“How about we celebrate with some lunch?”

“That sounds like a great idea, Mom. My treat.”

Hudson puts his hand on his chest as he offers, knowing full well that neither our mother nor myself could afford to treat the three of us to lunch.

“Of course it is, but thanks.” I smile, patting him on the shoulder as we exit the exam room and go back out front. “You’re the one raking in the dough, after all.”

He laughs through a scoff, shaking his head as he holds the door open for me and Mom.

“It worries me that our dear friend Mason isn’t paying you enough. Should I get all big-brother on his ass?”

My stomach clenches, but I manage to keep my expression neutral. “I’m paying for a new car, Hudson. I just don’t have the money to spare is all.”

With that we leave the doctor’s office and go to the local place we all enjoy so much. The summer day is warm with a light breeze, and sitting on the patio sounds like a great plan to all of us.

Le Petite Arrêt still offers that sun-dappled back patio, and we sit at a table near the one we used last time but big enough for the three of us.

After the waiter takes our drink orders—a round of iced teas—we begin to chat casually, all of us so relieved that Mom is doing better.

“So, Bridget,” Mom asks, that lilt in her tone insinuating and mischievous, “you haven’t been at the house as much lately. Is there perhaps areasonfor that?”

My stomach drops, and I nearly choke on my tea. I’m in no way ready to have this conversation with my mother, especially not with Hudson right here.

“Yeah, you haven’t been, huh?”

Hudson seems like he’s genuinely putting all this together right now, but I know my mom too well. She’s been waiting for the chance to talk about this.

My cheeks heat, and I know I’m blushing. And my damn fair skin isn’t going to do me any favors when it comes to hiding it.

“You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?” My mother cuts in, and both Hudson and I stare at her with our mouths hanging open.

“Mother, I…I just got to town. I’m not…”

But the words drift away, and for some reason, I’m not able to keep up with the lie.


It’s all I can bring myself to offer, but apparently, it’s enough because both my motherandmy brother stare incredulously at me, their eyebrows up to their hairlines.

“Well, holy shit.” Mom swats Hudson as the words tumble out of his mouth. “What? It’s just a surprise that my baby sister has already found someone to date. Got to hand it to you. You work fast.”

I roll my eyes at him, but nervousness clings to me, and I pray that he won’t ask me any other questions.

“So, when do I get to meet El Mystery Man. I want to put him through the gauntlet of big brother approval.”

Shaking my head, I wave him off, sipping at my drink. “It’s not that serious. We’re not at the point where we’re introducing each other to our families. Maybe a few months from now, but definitely not soon.”

My guts churn. I know I’m going to have to tell Hudson at some point. I mean, of course, I am. I’m dating his best friend.