It’s not long before I come again, quivering around Mason as my body explodes into a different universe.
The moment stretches on, and then I feel Mason thicken even more inside me, his orgasm roaring to the surface.
It’s pure bliss, and warmth floods me as Mason gives himself over to this experience.
I feel like I’m floating. No, flying, and I never want to come down from this. Everything about the way he makes love to me, even just looks at me, is different from Jai.
There’s no regret or fear or insecurity.
My heart is soaring, and I grip onto Mason with everything I have, riding this out with him until we’re both gasping and exhausted.
After a moment, he leans back, and a burst of nervousness hits me.
“Don’t.” I blurt out.
Mason meets my eyes, sweeping his hand across my cheek.
“Don’t what?”
I feel like an idiot, but there’s no point in lying now.
“Don’t go. Could you just…stay here, like this…with me?” My eyes sting. “Just for a little longer?”
With a smile, Mason kisses me and buries his nose into the crook of my neck.
“I will stay here as long as you want, Songbird. I’m all yours.”
It’s been at least twenty minutes, and I’m still lying in bed next to Mason, trying to understand what just happened. I want to stay there next to him forever, but I know I can’t.
As I roll over onto my other side, I see Mason’s phone open to the monitor app, and Mia is still very much asleep.
God, was this a mistake?
Regardless, I need to go. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I reach for my clothes and start to get dressed. When I’ve got my bra and panties on, I look over my shoulder at Mason.
He’s watching me with a smile, but I can see the tiny furrow in his brow.
“Do you want me to grab you that sandwich?”
He laughs, and I chuckle back at him.
“Kidding. I should go, though.”
Standing, I pull up my shorts, and I’m about to do the same with my shirt when Mason slides up behind me on the bed and grabs my wrist.
“Hey, I’m not kicking you out, okay?”
His brows are still knit together, but that lift to the corner of his mouth makes my pulse flicker.
“You don’t need to hide from me, Bridget, and nothing needs to change either.”
He makes me spin around to face him and then kisses my forehead.
“You can tell me to take a step back at any time, and I will, you know that, yeah?”