But there’s no use in dwelling on it. I want to finish up here so that I can get home to Bridget and Mia, and I need to pick up Chinese food on the way home before they close.
Kung pao chicken, egg rolls, and I think I’ll change it up this time and get cashew chicken instead of chow mein.
I go back to my computer, finalizing the times for my showings, and I make sure to update the pending status of the property for the Jamesons. They’re going to want to start the title process quickly.
That baby is due any day, and I’ll do what I can to make sure they get through escrow and close faster rather than slower.
The last thing on my mind before I finish up for the day is restarting the phone. Maybe it was just glitching out, and that prank call never should have gone through.
Restarting mine and Cassie’s will be sure to fix the problem. Nothing more to worry about.
Mason got home with Chinese food, exactly what I always ordered. Still, I find myself picking at my food.
I’m too distracted to feel hungry, and I know that rose is sitting in the garage right now. I put it in a bag by itself just in case I need it as evidence or something.
The other part that keeps nagging at me is that Jai found me at Mason’s house. I know that it makes sense that I’d return to Red Lodge at some point, so I can see Jai having found me in town.
But how did he find out about Mason?
The only thing that makes sense is he’d already found me when I was planning to come here, and he followed me this entire time.
The thought is obviously less than comforting, and I can’t focus on the movie or the food or even Mia, who’s pulling on my sleeve.
“Huh,” I look down at her and say. “Sorry, honey. What do you need?”
She grins up at me and holds up her little unicorn stuffy. “Uni eat noodles.”
I watch her share her dad’s food with her unicorn and finally laugh. It’s impossible to not be charmed by how sweet she is.
Trying to distract myself by playing with her, Mason and I fill in the remainder of the time before we need to put her down. Mia goes to sleep easily, and I follow Mason back downstairs to the couch.
When we’ve sat there not saying anything for a few moments, Mason pauses the movie and turns to me.
“Hey, are you okay? You seem…off.”
I can’t even look him in the eyes, my head hanging low. No, of course, I’m not okay. But this is also not just a simple bad day. I’m not sure what to say to Mason to even begin this conversation.
“I’m…ugh, sorry. My mind is all over the place, and I’m not sure what to say.”
Mason scoots closer to me on the couch, taking my hand and meeting my eyes with his warm stare. He’s totally focused on me, and I can see that he’s concerned.
“Hey, I’m right here, okay? I’m not going to judge you or invalidate your feelings. I just want to make sure you’re all right. And if there’s something I can do to help, I want to do that. I need to. Keeping you happy and safe is essential to me.”
His words and open expression cut right through to the core of me. I remember Mason warning me about Jai right before I left, and…ugh, he’s just so right about him—still.
And Mason has always just tried to protect me. He’s never expected me to give anything I can’t, but he’s tried to be there for me regardless.
Five years ago, Mason knew Jai was bad news, and I should have listened to him. He clearly has a good instinct, and I can’t deny that I need his help anymore.
It’s time.
He protects people, and I need to let him help protect me.
“Ugh, okay, umm…” My voice shakes, as does my entire body, and Mason squeezes my hand as the tears start to form at the corner of my eyes. “I found a rose on the doorstep today during Mia’s nap.”