“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to head home. I’m not feeling very well.”
I studied her, knowing full well there was something wrong. I’d worked with her far too long and knew when she was sick. This wasn’t sick, she was upset. Hell, I was normally the cause of her anger, so I knew the difference.
“Amelia, if this is going to work between us, we have to be honest with one another.”
“Dalton, it’s nothing, really.”
She met my eyes. She was trying to be strong, but I could see the worry filling hers. Something had happened while she’d been in that bathroom. I studied her, almost not wanting to ask what I already knew.
“Did Connie…”
That was the only word she had to hear. She turned away from me to hide her eyes. Anger filled me. It was fine she’d tried getting to me, but I knew Amelia wouldn’t be able to fight her. It wasn’t in her nature.
“She confronted you?”
“I’ve got to go.” She sniffled, and without another word, she took off out the front door.
Three WeeksBefore Christmas
No matterhow many times Dalton had asked, I hadn’t told him what it was Connie had said the night of the kids’ Christmas party. In the last week, we’d gone to work separately, we’d had lunch separately, and I’d done nothing but pull away. It wasn’t because I was confused about how I felt about him, because I wasn’t. Dalton wasn’t who he was at work. He was a kind man who was capable of love and passion. It was because of Connie and the hatred and threats she’d spewed at me. So, for me, pulling away was the answer.
I knew Dalton was confused. I could see it in his eyes every time he looked at me. I’d become cold and withdrawn and absolutely hated myself for it. It wasn’t like me to be this way toward him, especially without telling him why. He’d even tried to get me alone for an explanation, but each time I had a reason why I couldn’t talk.
That was, until last night.
Charlotte had left for the day, and I was busy in the copy room putting away supplies when he’d come in and shut thedoor behind him. He placed his hands on my hips and placed a gentle kiss on the side of my neck.
Instantly, I thought I was going to break at the feel of him behind me. It was then he confessed to missing me and wanted to know if I would come join him and the kids for the night. Another kiss to the side of the neck and I was his. I couldn’t turn him down.
I looked up from the kids’ Christmas list and saw Dalton come into the living room carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. He stopped, turning down the lights, gave me that sexy smile, and sat down beside me.
“Care for a drink?”
I placed the list on the table and smiled. “I’d love one.”
He opened the wine and began pouring the two glasses as he met my eyes.
“I’m glad you joined us tonight,” he said, handing me my glass, then clinking his against mine.
“Same.” I softly smiled as I took a sip.
“I’ve missed you.”
I nodded. “Dalton, I’ve missed you as well, and I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.”
I saw the questions in his eyes, but I also knew he knew it had to do with why I’d run.
“She can be awful,” he said quietly, studying me. “She confronted me too, a couple of days before the party.”
I looked up at him, shocked that he hadn’t told me that night. Perhaps had I not run and talked with him, he would have told me. Although he too could have brought the fact that she confronted him to me as well, to warn me if nothing more.
“What did she say to you?” he questioned.
I took another sip of my wine and looked up at him. “She claimed she knew why you request my help in the ER when you aid down there.”