Page 22 of Doctor Frost

“Most people do,” I said, placing a piece of tape across the back of her hand, securing the IV in place. “Honestly, I don’t know if I have ever met someone who likes them, and I’m normally very good at setting the IV.”

“Uh-huh,” she said, looking away from me.

I turned on the machine and slipped from the room, depositing my gloves into the trash and my gown into the wash bin, then headed for the desk, where I finished up my notes. The moment I finished, Dalton’s admission flooded my mind again.

I let out a sigh. Truth was, I’d been feeling the same way he did, and it hadn’t helped that I’d always found him attractive, but since seeing a caring side to him, it had gotten worse. I’d done my best to shove my thoughts to the back of my mind, and it had worked, until we’d shared that kiss.

It was the last thing on my mind last night when I’d closed my eyes and the first thing I’d thought of when I’d opened them, and if I thought about it hard enough, I could still feel his lips on mine.

I finished making the last of my notes, and as soon as my replacement came in, I left, ready to head home for the night.

I was almost to the parking garage when I reached into my pocket, only to find my keys were missing. That was when I realized I’d left my purse upstairs in the office. I’d been called to the ER almost immediately after arriving and had just left everything there. I let out a sigh and made my way back to the hospital.

The lights were off in the office, which sent a sigh of relief through me. Everyone was already gone for the day. I swiped my key card and opened the door and made my way in behind the desk and opened the filing cabinet drawer, pulling my purse out from inside, then grabbed my jacket from the hook on the wall and slid into it. I turned around and went to take a step when I ran into someone and let out a scream.

“Amelia, it’s okay. It’s only me. Dalton.”

I placed my hand on my chest, my heart was racing. “What are you still doing here?” I cried, trying to slow my breathing.

“I was just getting ready to leave. What are you doing here?”

“The same thing!” I exclaimed. “I left my purse and jacket here. I thought everyone was gone for the night.”

“Same here.” Dalton chuckled. “Look, I’m glad you are here. I’d like to take you out for dinner, so we can talk.”

The look in his eyes was so genuine, and when he reached out and took my hand in his, all I could do was follow him.

We shareda lovely and quiet dinner along with a bottle of wine at one of the best restaurants in Eastport. We talked about our day, laughing and joking, and then Dalton drove us back to his place. He slid his hand into mine as we drove back to his place and when we stepped into the house, two smiling faces and Mrs. Jenkins greeted us.

“What are you guys still doing up?” Dalton questioned, looking over to Mrs. Jenkins.

“We wanted to watch our show,” Claire explained, getting up and coming over to me, wrapping her arms around me. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“I’m happy to see you, too!” I exclaimed.

“Okay, guys, why don’t you head on up and get ready for bed, and I’ll be up in a minute,” Dalton instructed.

“Can’t Amelia tuck us in tonight?” Claire asked, and Tommy agreed.

Dalton looked over at me and then at both his kids and nodded. “Well, if it’s okay with Amelia, sure.”

“It’s fine. Come on, kids, let’s go.”

I took them both upstairs and waited while they changed and brushed their teeth, then tucked each one of them into bed before making my way back downstairs. Soft music playedon the living room speakers, and Dalton sat on the couch, two glasses of wine poured.

“They go down, okay?”

“Yep, Tommy was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.” I giggled.

Dalton smiled and patted the empty seat beside him. I went over and sat down as he handed me my glass of wine.

“Did you enjoy dinner?”

“Very much,” I whispered, taking a sip of my wine.

Dalton took my hand in his and ran his thumb over the back of my hand. He was a completely different man than he was at work. This Dalton Frost I could easily see myself falling in love with. I met his eyes and softly smiled.

“Amelia, I know I’m not always the easiest man to get along with.”