Page 12 of Doctor Frost

“I agree. That was why I told her that if she needed anything, she could always call me.”

“If that is the case, then I insist you keep the lunch.”

“Again, Dalton, I didn’t do this for any type of compensation. I meant what I said to her.”

“I know.”

She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and swallowed hard. We stood there for what felt like minutes, looking at one another, until she broke eye contact. She cleared her throat and looked up at me once again.

“Despite what you might think, Dalton, I don’t hate you.”

“You don’t?”

“No, and I’d never tell a child I’d be there for them if I didn’t mean it. So, thank you for the food. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She pushed past me and headed into the ladies’ room. I stood there, shocked at her words. Did she actually just say what I thought she said? She didn’t hate me? I swallowed hard as I stared at the door to the women’s washroom.


Snow was softly fallingas I carried my hot chocolate and wandered around the small holiday market. It was a beautiful morning, and I’d taken advantage of my day off to do some Christmas shopping.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and stopped at a fudge stand, choosing my flavours just as my phone rang. I quickly selected the last two flavours and handed the vendor the cash while I answered my phone. I hoped it wasn’t work. I’d already put in the allowable amount of overtime for this month, and if it was, I’d have to turn down the shift. It wasn’t something I liked to do, but it would be something I’d have to do, unless Connie would approve the overtime.

“Hello!” I sang into the receiver.

I heard a throat clear and then a cough. “Amelia?”

“This is she,” I said, not recognizing the voice.

I heard whispering, followed by a throat clearing, followed by more whispering.

“Um, it’s Dalton. I mean Doctor Frost. I mean Dalton.”

I frowned. He sounded nervous and unsure of himself, which wasn’t like him. I worried I’d missed a meeting or somethingbecause I couldn’t figure out why else he’d be calling. It was his day off as well, so I knew it couldn’t be work related.

“Yes? Is there something I can help you with?” I questioned.

“I’m so sorry to bother you on your day off…but I needed to ask you something.”

“It’s okay, but I will, um, have to get you the answers tomorrow once I’m in the office,” I answered. “I’m not much good without my notes and the client files in front of me, I’m afraid.”

“It’s not work related,” he said, his voice shaking. “I guess you could say it’s more of a personal issue.”

I frowned. A personal issue. Dalton didn’t seem to be the type of person to need help in his personal life. I listened, curious to find out what he could want.

It was then I heard Claire in the background and then a muffled response from Dalton.

“I see. Well, what is it you need?” I questioned, frowning as I listened to muffled voices again, certain Claire must need something.

“Sorry about the interruption. I have a favour to ask. I’m wondering if you could spare a little time today to come and see Claire. She has a bit of a problem and would like to speak with another woman, as she puts it.”

I softly smiled. Claire was a sweet girl, and if she needed someone, there was no way I’d turn her down. I’d hold up my promise.

“Sure, I can. I just need the address,” I said, glancing at my watch.

“75 Sycamore,” Dalton replied.

“Okay, um, I should be able to be there within the next couple of hours,” I answered.