She clinks her glass against mine. "And to the sweet satisfaction of being caught...maybe."
We sip our champagne, the tension between us palpable. The waiter discreetly places the first course before us---a delicate salad of fresh figs, arugula, and goat cheese.
"So," Sabrina says, spearing a fig with her fork, "are you going to give me any hints about this mystery spice I'm supposed to guess?"
I shake my head, clucking my tongue. "Now where's the fun in that? You'll just have to pay close attention to every bite."
"Challenge accepted, Mr. Wilde."
As we make our way through the courses, I watch Sabrina's face intently, searching for any hint that she's identified the secret spice. She savors each bite with exquisite attention, her brow furrowing in concentration. It's adorable, really, how seriously she's taking this little game.
While the waiter clears our plates, I rove my gaze over her body ever so slowly. "You look positively edible when you're deep in thought like that."
"Careful. Flattery will get you nowhere."
"Oh, I beg to differ," I murmur, reaching under the table to caress her thigh. "I think flattery has gotten me quite far already, wouldn't you say?"
Sabrina's eyes widen, but she quickly recovers, lifting her chin defiantly. "Don't get cocky. I haven't forgotten our little wager."
"Ah yes, the mysterious spice," I say, signaling to the waiter. "Are you ready for the grand reveal?"
She nods vigorously and rubs her hands together like a child about to unwrap her birthday gifts. The waiter appears with two covered dishes, placing them before us with a flourish.
"Ladies first," I gesture, watching intently as Sabrina lifts the silver dome.
The rich aroma of lamb tagine wafts up, filling the air with an intoxicating blend of spices. Sabrina closes her eyes, inhaling deeply. When she opens them again, there's a glimmer of triumph in those emerald eyes. She takes a bite, savoring it slowly, her expression one of intense concentration. I find myself holding my breath, waiting for her verdict.
"Well, darling?" I prompt, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. "Care to hazard a guess?"
She sets down her fork, a slow smile spreading across her face. "Oh, Declan. Did you really think you could stump me with something as simple as ras el hanout?"
I can't stop myself from laughing. I'm impressed and chagrined in equal parts. "I should have known better than to underestimate you. How did you figure it out so quickly?"
Sabrina leans forward, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's just say I have a few culinary tricks up my sleeve. A girl's got to have some secrets. But truthfully, I looked it up on my phone under the table while you were contemplating your chicken tagine."
I throw my head back and laugh, genuinely delighted by her cunning. "Oh, Bree, you never cease to amaze me. I should have known you'd find a way to outsmart me."
She grins, raising her champagne flute in a mock toast. "What can I say? I play to win."
"That you do," I concede, clinking my glass against hers. "So, my clever girl, what prize shall you claim for your victory?"
Sabrina's eyes sparkle with mischief as she sets down her glass. "Hmm, let me think..." She taps her chin thoughtfully, drawing out the moment. "I believe you said 'whatever my heart desires,' didn't you?"
I nod, suddenly feeling a bit nervous about what she might request. "I did indeed. And I'm a man of my word."
She leans toward me, her lips grazing my ear. "I want you, Declan. Tonight. In a hotel that has all the Moroccan charm that Marrakesh has to offer. I want---No, I demand that you treat me to the spiciest night I've ever experienced, complete with multiple orgasms and moves I've never seen before. Think you can handle that?"
I feel a jolt of electricity shoot through me at her words, my pulse quickening, my voice rougher from the hunger she inspires in me. "I thought you'd never ask. I know just the place."
With a discreet nod to our waiter, I stand and offer Sabrina my hand. She takes it, her fingers intertwining with mine. We weave through the maze-like streets of the medina, the anticipation building with each step.
Finally, we arrive at a small, unassuming door set into an intricately tiled wall. I knock, and it swings open to reveal a hidden oasis. The riad is breathtaking---a central courtyard with a bubbling fountain, surrounded by arched doorways that lead to luxurious rooms.
I lead Sabrina to the most opulent suite in the most incredible hotel in Marrakesh. As we enter the palatial accommodations, Her eyes widen, taking in the sumptuous decor. Rich jewel-toned fabrics drape the walls, and intricate lanterns cast a warm, intimate glow. The enormous bed is piled high with plush pillows, looking impossibly inviting.
"Well, Your Knightliness," Sabrina purrs, trailing her fingers along my chest. "You certainly know how to set the stage."
I capture her wandering hand, bringing it to my lips. "Oh, my sweet, you can't possibly imagine what I have in mind for you."