“We can discuss it in the morning. Let’s try and get some sleep tonight. It’s late and we’re both exhausted.” He pulled the blanket back and got into the bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her tightly against his chest.
She felt the tears spring free once more and roll down her cheeks. “All I have to give you is my word, Kyle,” she whispered. “The truth that I know deep down within every inch of my soul. You must let me do this. Please.”
He sighed. “Mia, I need you to know that I believe you, but if it will make you feel better to have scientific proof, so be it. We’ll figure it out together. Now go to sleep.”
But try as she might, Mia could not close her eyes. She reached for her phone and started to google DNA testing. She was amazed to find that there were at home tests sold at the local pharmacy in Orleans, right near the Stop and Shop market that she knew Sibby had every intention of sending one of herbrothers to with a list of stray items she still needed later today. She would volunteer to go with Kyle. That way, she could get a test kit and real answers, because that way she’d have concrete proof, and she needed it. Despite what she told Kyle, she wasn’t sure of anything anymore, and now, more than anything else, she needed the indisputable truth.
Mia wasup with the sunrise. She had been living on the Cape long enough now to know that it was cold outside; the color of the sky gave it away. She associated that deep pink hue with the first hours of a frigid morning and it was now peeking in from the small space around the window shades. She sunk down deeper into the warmth of the bed and the heat that Kyle’s body provided. Even in sleep he responded to her, his growing erection poking at her from behind. It took a few moments for him to fully wake up, but when he did, he snaked one hand between her legs as his other hand found its way to caress her nipple.
She turned around to face him. “Good morning,” she said. “I’ve done a lot of thinking and not a lot of sleeping.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he replied, his hands now on her rear end. “But what I have in mind right now won’t require any thought at all…”
Mia knew that she should stop him, that they needed a plan for today so that she could have a definitive answer to the question that was now front and center in her brain. She still didn’t have enough of her memory back to know who she was before the accident, but something deep down told her that she’d never take another woman’s baby. Plus, how could she so readily breastfeed Daisy if she didn’t give birth to her? Unless she gave birth to a different baby and had a milk supply… but then, where was that baby and…
It was becoming increasing difficult to concentrate based on what Kyle was now doing to her body with his fingers, making it come alive with sensation, erasing her need for anything more than him and the perfect fit that they’d become.
It’s too early to drive to Orleans. Let him show you how he feels about you,she told herself. She wordlessly guided him inside her body and found a rhythm that matched his, delaying the inevitable start to their day, if only for a short while. Mia knew that she’d have to do the impossible later and test herself and Daisy. Even worse, she’d have to live with the results, whatever they might be. But for this moment, she was going to allow herself this pleasure and the chance to feel connected to this man who she now so deeply loved. She wanted to block out everything other than the building climax that she desperately sought, the affirmation that she was bound to him as he was to her, that he would stay by her side no matter what.
More than anything, she realized that her need for him went so far beyond the physical act they were sharing; she needed him to believe her. It was her only way out of the mess that was now her life.
During the long and tense family meeting at breakfast, Mia’s mind kept wandering back to being in bed with Kyle just a short time before. She would have given anything to have the chance to rewind the clock and replace this pressure-cooker of a meal with the pleasure she shared with him earlier this morning. She was unable to eat the toast he’d put in front of her and the small sip of coffee she had swallowed burned as it traveled down her throat.
They’d started the conversation by telling everyone that the child they all knew as Sarah was actually named Daisy. That caused quite a discussion, and everyone had an opinion about that piece of information. She wished they didn’t need to tell the family all the rest of the details, but Kyle felt that it was important to keep everyone up to date with what she remembered. The unspoken and underlying message was clear; she’d put them all in danger just by her presence in their home and now they each had a right to speak their mind.
“Let me understand this,” Sibby said turning to Mia as she brought yet another full pot of coffee to the table. “You had a nightmare, or you remembered what happened right before your accident. Which is it?”
“Both,” Mia said meekly. “I did have a nightmare, but it was my mind’s way of bringing back the events of what happened that night. I remember it clearly now. Those two men were there for Daisy. I’m sure of it.”
“We think that the baby’s father might be someone with money, or maybe someone with influence,” Kyle interjected. “Why else would that alert have been sent by Interpol?”
“Don’t jump the gun, brother,” Conor said. “Maybe Mia’s involved in some sort of human trafficking ring. Maybe she’s just a courier.”
“I’m not,” Mia said sitting up straight in her chair. “That’s my daughter you’re talking about, not a stolen child. I’m her mother.”
“Mia, I don’t want to upset you further,” Tim began, “but we don’t know that for sure. Plus, Daisy has a father with paternal rights, and those rights have been violated. Without consent, you’ve kidnapped her from another country and entered the US with forged documents. That’s a whole lot of trouble right there.”
Tears sprang to her eyes. “What about me, my rights? I’m not a criminal and I would have never taken Daisy away if I didn’t feel that we were both being threatened. I might not remember much, but something deep down tells me that I’m a rule follower, not a rule breaker.
“There’s a first time for everything,” Conor said under his breath.
“That’s enough!” Kyle said as he pounded a fist against the table almost upending his coffee mug. “If Mia says she was in danger, I believe her. I don’t want to hear another word from any of you that doesn’t include a solution to the problem we find ourselves in right now.”
“Oh, a solution where we’re not all accessories to this international crime?” Conor asked. Despite the kidding tone to his voice, his words chilled her to the bone.
Mia tried to ignore the rapid beating of her heart and said, “Excuse me. I have one solution.” All eyes turned her way. “I told Kyle that I want to take a DNA test. I know that I can get a mail away kit at the Walgreens in Orleans and that once the lab receives it, they email the results within two days. I can overnight it from the post office there. I can at least prove undeniably that Daisy is my daughter, and we can know the truth by Saturday.”
“Don’t be so sure. Thanksgiving is a holiday. We might not get that email until later next week,” Sibby said.
“It’s the best I can offer. Otherwise, I can pack up Daisy and my bags and go. I would understand if that’s what you all want me to do.”
“Absolutely not,” Kyle said as he stood up. He rested his hands on the worn surface of the wooden table, the one that had been carved by his grandfather for family meals such as this one. “You’re not going anywhere until we figure this all out, Mia. I mean it.” Then he turned his attention to his family. “Since when have we worried more about ourselves than those we’ve sworn to protect and serve, huh? This might be a strange circumstance, but Mia and Daisy are here, under our roof. We’re going to see this thing out and look after them both. Do I make myself clear?”
“Of course, brother,” Sibby said, reaching out to grab one of Mia’s hands. “We would never let you leave, Mia. There are men with bad motives out there somewhere looking for you. We’re not going to let them find you.” She looked at her two younger brothers and said, “I won’t hear another word about international laws being broken. Mia is a woman alone, and she felt threatened, end of story. I believe her.” Then she turned to Mia and added, “And for what it’s worth, I believe that Daisy is your flesh and blood.” Her tone left no misunderstanding or confusion. Sibby had ended the discussion and Mia could feel her body begin to relax.
“As soon as Daisy wakes up from her nap, I’ll go to Walgreens and get the test. Sibby, I can pick up anything you need from the Stop and Shop at the same time.”