"Thanks, that would be appreciated."
"Not a problem, and I look forward to meeting your Charmer."
Now it was time to speak with Master Hadden he’d put it off long enough. Josef loathed bringing him destressing news after the hell he’d been through. He picked up his phone and dialed. “Nik, can we meet it’s important?”
Harley was at a loss for words, which was unusual, he tended to ramble and ramble especially when he was tense or nervous. Gage didn’t seem to mind he was relaxed and laid back even in this mess he didn’t look worried. Ashton was alwaystelling him to shut up and Harley didn’t take it personally it was just his way of joking. Gage wouldn’t tell him to shut up he was certain of that although Dumas might.
“I work construction.” That statement brought a look of surprise to both men and Harley assumed it was because he wasn’t built like a construction worker. He was five foot seven, but he only weighed one-hundred and forty pounds, so he came off on the thin side. “I’m the tile man.” He clarified. “Tile doesn’t take a lot of muscle, but it takes a lot of skill.”
He had plenty of muscle, though, and was able to mostly handle himself. He was nothing compared to Gage and Dumas, but he was pretty sure they didn't intend to beat him up. Gage was the embodiment of perfection, tall, dark, and handsome, with eyes that could see to his soul.
The things he would do to this man given the time and the opportunity. He dropped his head and took another sniff of Gage’s amazing jacket, and it helped to calm his raging hormones for the moment. The sudden smile that graced Gage’s lips took him by surprise, and he quickly looked away.
“How long are we going to stay here?” He needed to change the subject before he accidentally embarrassed himself.
“Come light Dumas will do a sweep of the immediate area. Depending upon what he finds we will decide our next move.” Gage laid his hand on top of Harley’s not asking for anything just comforting. It felt so good.
“We’re a hell of a long way from anywhere with no vehicle.” Harley voiced his fear and dropped his gaze to stare at their hands.
"We are very resourceful, Harley," Dumas spoke up. "I'm a hellhound, and there isn't much than come against me and survive. Gage is a very able-bodied vampire. To be a vampireguard with the Hadden Coven, your skills must be exemplary. I promise you we are more than up to the challenge, whatever it may entail."
“It’s me, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?" Gage asked, and his concern was evident.
"If you didn't have to take care of me, you would have fought your way out of here by now."
“I am glad that we were here for you Harley and we will do our level best to make sure you stay safe. We’ll get out of here don’t worry, like Dumas said, we’re resourceful.” He smiled and Harley felt the warmth of that gesture to his core. No one could smile like Gage. Harley could live on those smiles.
“I’m not worried.” He lied and he knew everyone in the room knew it but still he doubled down. “Really I’m not worried. I trust you both I’m just sorry that I’ve made things harder.”
“You’re fine.” Gage gave him a quick shoulder hug which ended much too quickly for Harley’s liking. The man smelled like all of Harley’s favorite things. There wasn’t a description of it since it was more a feeling than a scent. As soon as the sun began to light the horizon Dumas left securing the doors behind him.
"Let's go up to the viewing platform on the third floor." Gage stood and extended his hand to Harley, who took it readily. Harley grabbed a couple protein bars and stuck them in his pocket.
"I'm glad you're here, Gage." He was sincere and had not yet released his hand. "I'd hate to be in this place all alone with those things out there."
“I’m glad to be here.” He said and turned to look down at Harley with a look that was warm and tender. There was something intimate going on here Harley was sure of it. “Finding you was the highlight of my day sweetheart.” The stare went on for a few seconds before Gage broke it off and they were on their way once again.
The viewing platform was huge jutted out from the building giving a one hundred eighty degree view of the forest below. Gage walked to the windows that were floor to ceiling and started scanning the area.
"Too bad you don't have a pair of binoculars," Harley commented as he stood beside him and tried to see anything but treetops and stone ridges.
“I can see well enough.”
“Is it a vampire thing?”
Gage looked down at Harley and winked. "It's a vampire thing, baby." Harley thought he'd melt on the spot. Damn, he wished their circumstances weren't life or death, and they had a chance to actually relax and talk. Who was he kidding? If it weren't a life-or-death circumstance, Gage wouldn’t be giving him a second look. He wouldn’t have given him a first look.
He tried hard to shut down his appreciation for all things Gage, but it was near impossible. All he had to do was move and Harley felt a stirring in his soul. This was either a severe case of savior worship or he was having a mental breakdown neither being something he wanted to deal with.
"I'm attracted to you too, Harley," Gage stated, and Harley froze. The man had just read his mind. Gage never took his eyes off the forest but continued to speak to Harley. "Come here." He raised his hand, and Harley went without hesitation, and Gage put his arm around him, tucking him close to his side.Harley wasn't sure what was going on, but it felt like the right thing to do, so he went with it. If Gage wanted to hold him he wasn’t going to deny himself.
“Can you see Dumas?” Harley needed to say something.
"No, he's on the other side of the building." Gage's arm tightened just a little, and Harley had never felt safer in his life. "Tell me about yourself, Harley." He was trying to get Harley's mind off the obvious situation, but he also seemed genuinely interested. "Tell me what it was that sent you into the woods all alone." Harley paused for a few minutes, deciding how best to explain himself.
“My friend Ashton that I told you about is getting married tomorrow or rather today.” He corrected himself.