Page 5 of The Lost Beloved

“Wait till morning and if they haven’t made contact send a team up fully armed and ready for anything.” Josef directed. “We aren’t out of the woods yet with the lingering effects of the evil that flooded this area. No telling what might be going on in the forest and the hills.”

"I have a contact with the Dragon Circle," Michael interjected. "I'll give him a call and see if they're having any issues in the area."

“Good idea.” Josef then put in a call to Master Hadden who was enjoying the reuniting of his Coven and their return to the Hadden Center. It had been a very rough time for everyone the separation was difficult but necessary and now everyone was back together. The last thing Josef wanted to share was the possibility of trouble brewing in the mountains.

Dumas returned with bottles of water and a few snacks but failed to get service anywhere within the Lodge. "A storm is raging further to the west, and it is headed this way. The weather is interrupting the cell service up here. We may not be able to call out until it passes, which could be several hours or longer."

Gage took one of the water bottles and popped the cap and handed it to Harley. “Drink up you don’t want to get dehydrated.” He then took a package of cookies and opened it and started handing him one after the other. “Eat it’s the best we can do until we get out of here and you need to keep your strength up.”

Gage was pleased that Harley did not question him but rather drank the water and ate the cookies. He wished they had something more substantial, but this would do for now. “Micheal will send reconnaissance come morning if he doesn’t hear from us.” Gage offered.

“I wish we had a way of alerting them to the shifter freaks in the area.”

“Were you able to see anything from the observation floor?”

“Too dark but there was movement, and I could sense their aura it was much like the one that I killed sour and wasted.” Gage noticed Harley place his hand on Gage’s chest as he listened to Dumas describe what he saw and felt. “Once its light out I’ll do a sweep of the immediate area.”

“What about your vehicle where did you park? You didn’t hike in here I assume.” Harley spoke up.

“A doubt the SUV is in any condition to be driven.” Dumas answered and Harley looked confused.

"Those things out there would have disabled it by now," Gage explained.

“Whatarethose things out there? Do you know? I saw the one you killed." Harley looked up at Dumas. "It looked like a cross between a human and an animal. It was grotesque." Dumas glanced over at Gage and lifted one eyebrow, asking for his next move.

“How long have you lived in Pittsburgh?” Gage started there to see if there was some common ground he could build upon. Dumas smiled and turned back to pacing in front of the bank of windows that looked out over the hillside.

“I was born in Pittsburgh and grew up there.” Harley didn’t hesitate.

“Are you familiar with the Imperial Club, or the Ruby Light or the Hadden Center?” Gage knew he was dancing around but he had to take this carefully.

“The Imperial Club is above my social class and way beyond my financial capabilities.” He smiled and Gage reciprocated the guy was just cute as hell. “I’ve been to the Ruby Light a few times but it’s not really my scene I prefer the basic sports bar type of establishment. You know, more lights and less arousing.” Gage nodded his understanding and continued to enjoy every minute with this man.

"I've had coffee and lunch at the Hadden Center, they have some really nice little shops and restaurants. Although I haven't been there in quite a while, there was something about the place that put me off. I'm not sure what was wrong, but I always changed my plans and went elsewhere. I hope whatever the vibe is there that it doesn't last." Harley shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Gage.

“The vibe has definitely changed; you can come back," Gage reassured.

“The place is back to normal.” Dumas seconded while keeping his gaze focused just beyond the windows.

"What sort of vibe did you get at the Ruby Light apart from arousal-inducing?" He watched Harley consider the question and think about his answer.

"There was always a sharpness in the air like anything could happen. I never stayed long because I felt weird and out of place. It's hard to describe, but I wouldn't doubt that the place was haunted. It had a paranormal feel to it if you know what I mean." Harley was getting so close.

"Have you had that feeling elsewhere around town?" Harley went on to name several places all Coven owned and operated. He was sensing the paranormal, obviously sensitive to the vibrations, but didn't know what it was.

“All of those places are owned and operated by Nikolas Hadden and his people.” Gage told him and saw the speculation in his eyes.

"What I'm trying to say, and being very clumsy about it, is that there are more things in this world than just humans and animals. What you saw and what chased you through the woods was a shifter, but not a normal shifter. He was caught mid-shift and, therefore, presented as a grotesque image. We believe that it was caused by poison or magics either purposeful or it was inflicted upon him." Gage saw that Harley was still listening, so they continued.

“I know it sounds crazy, and we would not be telling you this if this was not a very special circumstance. You are stuck here, and you need to know what you’re dealing with.”

"I know about shifters," Harley interjected casually and without fear. "I didn't recognize that thing, but I know about shifters."

“How did you find out about shifters?” Gage was relieved that he had some awareness but also concerned as to how he found out.

"A friend of mine is a fox shifter, and I saw him and his older brother shift. I know there are cougars, wolves, and bears. What was that thing Dumas killed." Harley was handling this like a trooper, and Gage could not be happier. He dreaded having to explain the supernatural in all its infinite detail, and now that infinite detail had been cut in half at the very least.

"Well, that makes things a lot easier." Gage gave a sigh of relief. "It was originally a cougar shifter, but it had somehow mutated. It was no longer present or in control of itself." He answered Harley's question.