Page 14 of The Lost Beloved

“I’ll take care of that for you.”

"In that case, you have a deal. I'd love to be your roommate." Gage continued to talk about life at the Center and in the Coven, taking Harley's mind away from the horrors outside, and it worked for a while.

About an hour later, everyone mobilized. Harley wasn't sure what was happening, but everyone inside was rushing around and heading out, including Gage. "The doors are going to be locked, and I want you to go to the observation deck. You will be able to observe from there if you want to. The battle will be ugly, so prepare yourself." Gage held him as he explained.

“You’re going?”

"We're all going." He handed him a satellite phone. "If for some reason you need help, just press that button." He indicated the red button on the top. "It will connect you to Josef McQueen, the second in command of the Hadden Coven." He didn't have to say anything more than that; Harley understood.

“Okay but hurry back.” Harley wasn’t going to think about having to make any calls he would focus on Gage’s return.

“I be back as soon as possible.” He cupped Harley’s face in his hands and pulled him in for a hard and exacting kiss that left him breathless and panting. With that he and the others headed out and Harley stood there listening as the doors closed and the locks were engaged. He was alone and he felt it right down to his bones.

Tears and panic were threatening to make an appearance, but he pushed them down and forced himself to stay strong. Gage was well able to take care of himself, and the Master was a capable leader. They would be fine. He kept repeating that to himself as he made his way to the observation deck. The battle was about to get real. His vision, although good, was not as good as Gage's, so he took the binoculars from the shelf and started scanning the forest below.

There was a large clearing about a half mile away to the west and it looked like Hadden was leading them in that direction. He caught sight of several clashes, and the vampires were handling things easily so far but there were hundreds of those things off in the distance. Harley could see them moving toward Master Hadden and his men.

He tried to find Gage or Dumas, but they were too far away for him to make out anyone in particular apart from the Master. Master Hadden was in the lead, and he had a power and a presence that was unmistakable.

Harley looked around and could see the beasts coming to the clearing. As Hadden and the others arrived, they came from all sides, and there were countless of them. The vampires were fast and skilled, but still, how would they win against so many? Harley felt his panic clutching at his throat at the thought ofGage in the middle of that madness. He then experienced a calm that was out of place with what he was seeing but still infused his mind and emotions. It was as if Gage were there with him, holding him and telling him everything was okay.

He continued to observe, still fearful but not panicking. The vampires moved to the middle of the clearing that was massive and seemed to leave them in the open. Harley didn't understand but these were smart fighting men so accepted that they knew what they were doing. The plan started to take shape when he noticed a dragon shifter in the sky above them and then there was another and another. They were flying high, circling and waiting for the right moment.

The mutant shifters were filling the clearing charging the vampires who were clustered in the center. They were fending them off killing many and yet not appearing to make much of a dent in their number. They kept coming and coming filling the area full, and then the dragons struck.

Oceans of blue fire swept across the land setting it alight. Harley saw the fire devouring everything and his heart stopped. The blaze was all consuming and took in the entire clearing and a portion of the forest surrounding. “Gage!” he screamed and then suddenly he felt it. The calm that was only present with Gage it enveloped him and he knew that everything was okay.

Gage and the others fought their way through the woods to the clearing beyond. It was a large space many acres across, and the Master led them to the center. They continued to fight the beasts as they came at them in great hordes, mindless and frenzied. The plan was to lure them out of the woods, bring them to the clearing, and deal with them there. The dragons were involved, but Gage wasn't sure in what capacity. The Masterwas in contact with the Dragon King, and they devised this plan together.

The vampires were bait to force the beasts to the clearing and he assumed the dragons would be landing and joining the fight. He’d forgotten to take into consideration the absolute cleaning power of dragon fire. When they circled and came back flying low and smoke started to burst forth from their nose and mouth Gage realized the plan but also feared for their safety.

The fire would take out all the beasts, but vampires could not withstand dragon fire nothing could survive dragon fire apart from dragons and hellhounds. Dumas would be the only one to live. He put his trust in his Master knowing that Master Hadden would not willingly lead them to their deaths. He continued to fight and watched as the fire came billowing out and raged across the clearing.

Before it reached them, he saw Master Hadden raise his arms and felt a surge of energy pass over them. The fire raced towards them and then over them, never touching them. Master Hadden shielded them, protecting them from the force and destructive power of the dragon fire. Gage marveled at the blue light that surrounded them but never came close.

He'd never experienced such a thing standing there with his fellow soldiers in a bubble in the midst of such total destruction and simply observing the world burning away around them. Then he felt his beloved and immediately channeled his peace and wellbeing letting him know that he was safe.

Harley’s relief was there Gage could feel him like he was standing beside him. He couldn’t wait to complete their bond and bring his beloved into his life completely. It was a bit of a hair-raising courtship with blood and death all around them,but Fate never fails to make it right. He continued to stand with the others and watch the flames engulf the area burning it to a fine ash. Dragon fire burns hotter than anything in creation and leaves behind nothing but a fine gray ash.

The flames ultimately subsided, and Master Hadden removed the shield as the three dragons landed and shifted into three large men dressed in leather and dark armor. They were fearsome.

“The bulk of the infected have been destroyed.” The lead man stated to Master Hadden as he approached. He introduced himself as Saphir, a dragon knight serving under King Bazil. The other two remained two steps back and did not engage in conversation.

Their attention was on the clearing and the woods beyond the clearing, listening and determining if more dragon fire was warranted, Gage assumed. He was just glad they were on their side. He wouldn't want to have to go against one of these guys in any kind of battle.

Master Hadden thanked them for their assist and then they shifted and flew away the whole thing was fantastic. Gage had never gotten near a dragon shifter before and never saw one shift. It was unbelievable the size and the grandeur of the creature was outrageous and definitely not your standard shifter.

"That was stunning," Dumas said as he walked up to stand beside Gage.

"Which, Master Hadden, shielding us from the fire or the size and majesty of those shifters?" Gage smiled, thoroughly impressed by both.

"I was referring to Master Hadden. I've seen dragons and what they can do, but I never realized the power that the Master holds. I was told he was referred to as a vampire supreme, but I thought it was simply a title. I learned today what supreme means. His power is substantial, and his reach extraordinary." Dumas was fascinated.

They fanned out and combed through the woods, but no more beasts were discovered. Master Hadden and King Bazil agreed to thoroughly search the remaining areas to root out any others infected. It would seem that the threat was successfully stemmed but Nik was not going to take any chances. He wasn’t going to let his guard down too soon.

Gage headed back to the Lodge when the others broke up and some were going back to Pittsburgh and others were staying to continue surveillance of the forest. Nik planned to make sure that the threat was dealt with this time even if he had to search every inch of the Alleghenies. He would keep a full unit of men at the Lodge for a while to make sure there were no more surprises.

Gage found his beloved waiting for him at the door, and Harley flew into his arms. The feeling of having someone love him like that was amazing and something he never wanted to lose. It fed his soul and nurtured his heart. Harley was his life.