I swallowed with difficulty, my legs shaking. His words were at once terrifying and thrilling. His hardness pressing into myskin made it all the more real, and when he rolled his hips with a grunt, humping me shamelessly, I couldn’t hold back an eager moan.
“And you like it,” he whispered in awe. “My good, innocent princess likes my filth, eh? Baby, you got me so bad, I’ll come in my pants just from doing this.”
He rocked into me, his hand sliding to my ass to hold me in place. I was dizzy from his proximity. When he hissed, pressing into me hard, I realized my nails were digging into his back.
“This won’t do,” he grunted, turning me fast.
I gasped harshly when he grabbed me from behind, one hand squeezing my breast, the other diving under my dress until his hot fingers brushed my inner thighs. I gasped in shock and went rigid. He froze, too, his breathing loud in the cool night air as he held me in his possessive embrace
“Too much?” he asked, sliding his hand off my breast.
I shook my head. “N-no. It’s just… More than I’ve ever done before.”
He was still for a moment then laughed quietly, straightening. He let go of the hem of my dress and turned me again, gently this time. His arms went around me, and he laid his hand on the back of my head, pressing my face to his bare throat. His pulse jumped frantically under his hot skin.
“See?” he murmured. “I knew this would happen. I don’t know what I am anymore. You broke me. I’m chivalrous now.”
He said it with utter disgust, as if chivalry was something to be deeply ashamed of. I shivered wildly in his arms, the heat in my belly twisting with need. I cursed myself for reacting like that. If only I hadn’t, his hand would be between my legs now. God, how I wanted it.
“Don’t be chivalrous,” I choked out. “Please. I really want you to…”
“Shh. It’s okay,” he said with a quiet laugh that sounded rather melancholy. “I’m not a monster. I won’t despoil you for others just because I can’t have you for myself.”
“Despoil,” I repeated with a frown, my lust turning into anger. “What do you mean by that? I’m not a… a thing that will get dirty.”
“No, you’re not,” he agreed easily. “But I won’t drag you into filth with me. There. Are you all warm? Do you want to get back inside? Or do you want to get those burgers?”
I pushed him away, or at least, tried to. Phantom didn’t even budge, no matter how hard I tried to get out of his hold, until finally, he sighed and let his arms fall, taking a step back. I glared at him, and he cocked his head to the side, his eyes glowing pink. For a moment, I thought it was a reflection from my dress, but no. It was a distinct pink glow in his eye sockets.
“You don’t get to decide for me,” I hissed furiously, feeling ridiculously betrayed.
It was obvious what was happening. He wanted me, I wanted him, but he decided somehow that it wouldn’t be good for me, so he pulled away. I hated that he felt entitled to make that decision. It would have been one thing if he didn’t want me, but he did, and it was such an injustice that he wouldn’t act on it out of misguidedscruples.
“For you, no,” he said. “But for myself, absolutely. I won’t have you on my conscience.”
So now he had a conscience?!
I wanted to stomp with fury but stopped myself for fear of breaking my heel.
“You’re no different than my mother, then,” I said, my voice shaking from anger. “She makes all my decisions for me because she thinks I will only make the wrong ones.”
I turned to the door, took a deep breath, and braced myself. At least I was furious enough to give few fucks about whathappened next. Because I wasdoneletting other people decide for me. It was over. Finito. I would tell my hapless fiancé I had no interest in marrying him, and I’d tell my mother I was going to move out as soon as the mind manipulator threat was over.
Chapter 19
Ifollowed her, my armor clicking into place so I could be a bulletproof shield if need be. Barbara’s movements were jerky and decisive, and I couldn’t shake the pink from my eyes. Touching her, holding her, and then facing her delicious anger made my head swim with little hearts. My dick was in agony, still throbbing, now hidden under armor. I wanted to hit my head repeatedly on the wall for denying myself even just a little touch of her sweetness, and at the same time, I felt incredibly proud of myself.
She deserved better. I was a veritable hero for not plucking that flower for myself and getting it all tarnished.
Because sweet, innocent Barbara didn’t know a crucial thing: after fucking an abomination, human sex would never be enough. I did her a favor, really. Thanks to my heroic restraint, she’d be able to get married to someone in her own league one day and enjoy him in bed in blissful ignorance of what she could have had.
Now, though, she was angry, and I enjoyed watching her furious little walk. Her hips swayed sexily when she was annoyed. It distracted me so much, I finally forced myself to look away from her ass. In a desperate bid to regain control, I tightened the plates over my crotch, squeezing my throbbing dick even harder.
There was no time to process my agony, though, since Barbara headed fast in the direction of her mother, who stood with none other than Ernest Landizza. I knew his name—everyone did. The man was brash, colorful, and often appeared in the media speaking on various social and economic issues.