
She was beautiful. It wasn’t anything unusual, since she was glorious at any time of day and night, no matter what she wore. But now, standing in a dress she chose for herself, with her hair curled and face made up with silvery highlights and luscious pinks, she was somehow even more glorious.

I didn’t wish to see her in the black dress anymore. This one, bright and modest while also revealing her strong legs, suited her perfectly. I sat in silence, a pillow in my lap, and watched my principal with an ache in my chest and agony in my loins.

“Nat, I want to write her poems. She’s gorgeous. When she smiles, I forget who I am. What do I do?!?!?!”

His reply was completely unhelpful, as usual.“Write your name down and put it in your pocket if you forget who you are. Also, what poems? Send an example.”

I gritted my teeth and quickly typed up a haiku.

“You are a vision

I want to lick your titties

Get naked with me.”

Nat’s only response was a laughing emoji. I pocketed my phone with a huff, though I felt a bit better. At least I could pretend it was only lust, even though in truth, I wanted to wax poetic about her eyes, her smile, and the way all of me fucking melted when she looked at me with complete acceptance, as if I wasn’t a monster.

I wanted to serenade her because she wasn’t afraid of me or disgusted. It was pathetic.

When we sat in the car, she clenched and unclenched her hands in her lap. Her scent filled the vehicle, citrusy and sophisticated, and I breathed my fill like a junkie.

“Stop it,” I said, putting my hand on top of hers, which was just an excuse to touch her. “You’re distracting me.”

“Sorry.” She slid her hands under her thighs, pressing her lips together. “I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t be. If anyone’s mean to you, I promise to flush their head down the toilet,” I said seriously.

I would, too. The gala would be in the papers for all the wrong reasons, and I wouldn’t give a flying fuck provided my princess had a good time.

She smiled feebly, shaking her head. “I’m not really worried about that, but about my outfit. My mother chose that black dress for a reason, and I wonder what it was.”

She clamped her mouth shut, looking away. I watched the back of her head while she stared out the window, her neck muscles taut with tension.

“Should I flush your mother’s head down the toilet, too?” I asked mildly, wanting above all else to make her laugh.

She did, though it was more of a snuffle than a laugh, but I took it. She turned back to me, her expression turning mischievous.

“Don’t do it, obviously, but thank you for adding to my meditation bank. Imagining this should be very helpful once she lays into me for wearing this outfit and chopping off my hair.”

I swallowed, glancing at the partition between the back of the car and the driver’s space. Victor couldn’t hear us if we didn’t raise our voices, so I leaned in carefully, inhaling more of her exquisite scent. She sighed softly when she saw me invading her space but didn’t protest.

“Don’t be scared,” I said, my voice alien to my own ears. It sounded almost tender. “I won’t let them hurt you. If it gets too much, I’ll kidnap you out of there and take you on a ride. We’ll get burgers and ride to Hains Point to watch the sun rise over the river.”

Her lips parted as she watched me, her breaths growing quicker. Mere inches separated our faces, anddamn, if I just leaned in, I could flick my tongue out and taste her lipstick.

“Promise?” she asked in a soft whisper, and maybe it was my imagination, but I thought she swayed an inch closer. I tasted her breath when I parted my outer teeth just a fraction.

“Yeah. One word from you and we’re out of there. So don’t be nervous, okay? I’ll take care of you.”

I cringed internally at how mushy it sounded, but when she let out a soft sigh, blinking slowly as she swayed closer yet, I forgave myself for being a sentimental moron.

Fuck, I could kiss her.

When her eyes dropped to my teeth, her tongue flicking out to wet her lower lip, I shot back and pressed myself into the back of my seat, breathing hard.What. How. Why.

She straightened, too, looking away with a slight frown. My vision was pink, pink,pink.