I released a heavy breath, trying to digest this. I was used to not checking the news too often, especially when I knew I’d be mentioned. Ever since the video, I’d put myself on a permanent ban. Isolation was better than facing the hate.

“I recommended they keep it quiet, of course,” Phantom said after taking a long sip of his strong coffee. “I hoped he would feel safer if no one made a fuss, and come back to finish the job. I would have had him then.

“But alas, that didn’t happen. We might have to go out more. Create opportunities for him to attack, because so far, both the police and your father’s detectives have nothing. We don’t even know what species he is because, as it turns out, all mind controlling species have glowing eyes. That’s how they mesmerize you.”

“So you want me to be bait,” I said, getting a sausage from a heated plate.

I made a point to ask myself what I wanted every time I had to make a decision today. Apparently, I wanted sausages, not my perfectly macro-balanced oatmeal.

“Doll, you’re not bait. You’re the target, and I won’t let you get hit.”

I nodded with a smile, but inside, I was reeling. Because suddenly, I didn’t want my attacker to be caught anymore. If he was, Phantom would leave, and I would be on my own again. I didn’t know if I could handle not seeing him every day like I did now.

When my prep team arrived in the afternoon, I was determined. Doing my best to stay cool, I showed them the dress I got myself on one of my outings with Phantom and a pair of matching heels.

The dress was pink, but not the infantilizing, light candy floss shade I usually wore. The pink I chose was bolder, brighter, yet still on the classy side. The dress had three thin layers, the outermost one patterned with thin chains of lace protruding from the fabric. The heels I chose were high but also comfortable.

I was very proud of that dress. It was similar enough to my usual image while transgressing beyond it. Overall, a much better way to transition into another style than the slutty black number my mother had picked.

“Tiffany, you’ll need to cut my hair today,” I said when my three stylists set up, chatting about the gala and praising my outfit.

Phantom stirred on the elegant chaise where he lounged, watching everything with mild interest.

“Why are you cutting your hair?” he asked, sitting up in alarm.

“I know it’s a cliché.” I shrugged. “But I really want to own my body and appearance, and this seems like the quickest way. I suppose I could get a tattoo, but I’m not brave enough yet.”

“I tattoo people,” he said, standing. “So if you change your mind, I’ll be happy to help. Are you sure about the hair? What if you meet a man who’d like to wrap it around his fist while he f—while he rides you?”

Tiffany laughed, while her assistants exchanged wide-eyed looks, taken aback by Phantom’s crudeness.

“He’ll have to wait for it to grow back,” I said crossly, hoping I didn’t appear obviously flustered.

An image of Phantom taking me from behind, my hair in his fist, flashed in my mind’s eye. I blinked a few times to clear my head. Suddenly, I didn’t want to cut my hair anymore, but then, it would be stupid to let a mere fantasy stop me. I wanted to make a stand and take control back.

“I was thinking about something like this.”

I showed Tiffany a picture of a long bob I wanted to try out. She nodded and directed me to the hair washing station. We were in the room my mother called the beauty salon, which was equipped with everything our stylists needed to get us ready before an event.

Phantom groaned when Tiffany washed my hair, and then stomped out of the room, evidently unhappy.

He returned while she was already combing through my wet hair, getting ready to cut it. His face was fixed in a frowning grimace, and he plopped down in the station next to me, putting his legs up on the dresser with a huge mirror.

“Since you don’t have time to read, I thought I’d give you a hand,” he said, showing me his vampire romance.

“You got it from my room?” I asked incredulously, shocked by his audacity. “Without asking me first? How could you?”

“Very easily since you don’t lock it. I just had to turn the knob. Anyway, do you girls want to listen to some smut while you work?”

“Sure,” Tiffany said. I caught her shoot him an appreciative look in the mirror. “You do have a nice voice. Should be fun!”

Her assistants nodded, one of them giggling as she bent over my nails that would be pink to go with the dress.

I didn’t say anything, even though my face was hot at the thought of Phantom reading that scene. I knew what was coming, since I’d skimmed a bit before I decided it was too much for me. The voices in my head that demanded I stay virginal and pure for my future husband made it difficult to enjoy smut.

Listening to Phantom reading it out loud would be a hundred times worse, too, and yet, I knew he’d make fun of me if I asked him not to. I pressed my lips together, bracing for the experience.

“Let’s see,” he said, making a show of finding my bookmark. “Oh, chapter sixteen! What a coincidence. It’s my favorite one.”