How to get a man to sleep with you.

The search engine offered to show me only the safe results, which meant I was on to something. I swallowed nervously and toggled the safety off.

A whole new world opened up for me. I read with my cheeks blushing, devouring the information like a good student craving her education. At school, I always strove to get an A. I would get an A from Phantom, too.

Not everything was useful, admittedly. The top result suggested just to be direct and grab the man’s crotch, squeezing lightly, but Phantom was armored. He’d probably barely feel it. And also—really? It seemed incredibly violating.

Some other articles repeated what I already knew: make eye contact, lean in, tell him nice things. To cover all my bases, I spent ten minutes jotting down compliment ideas and had awhole bunch by the time I was done. It was too easy, really, to name all the amazing things about him.

The way he smelled. His sharp wit. His jokes. His strength, his beautiful bone structure, his disdain for the rules. His voice,oh, his voice. I hadn’t appreciated it properly until he growled in my ear that he would rail me against the balustrade for everyone to see.

And then, the way he walked like he owned the world. His abrupt, self-confident movements, his grace and the way he took up space. The way his eyes changed color. His mouth and tongue that I desperately wanted to see again. The way his armor plates stacked on the tops of his hands to reveal his palms.

How he felt like a sculpture sometimes. Like… Like he was almost too perfect to be a living being.

I liked everything about him, it seemed. But I also had a nagging suspicion he would see right through me if I came out with a bunch of compliments. I’d definitely have to be smart about it.

The next article I read promised to teach me how to turn my lover into a begging, moaning mess in bed. I read it with wide eyes, learning more than I could handle about deepthroating, dirty talk, and the art of stimulating the prostate.

Do abomination men have a prostate?I typed after recovering from the information overload.

They did, as it turned out. It was located similarly to the human prostate. But that wasn’t the only thing I learned.

Since the safety was turned off, the browser spat out images, diagrams, and videos. I pressed my hand to my mouth, the need to laugh or scream overwhelming.

Dicks. Everywhere. Erect dicks. Flaccid dicks. Dick sculptures and dick memes.

Abomination cocks galore.

I stared at the screen, terrified yet too curious for my own good. Once I realized what I saw, I clicked one of the clearer pictures to enlarge it.

The image included a very helpful banana for scale.

When I had enough control over myself, I slowly released my mouth and leaned in, tracing the shape with my eyes. The first thing that drew my attention was the color. Phantom’s skin was dark gray, as if covered with soot, but the abomination dicks I saw were deep red, some closer to blood, some the color of strawberry syrup.

They were all uncut, the heads longer and slightly pointier than on humans. What really set them apart, though, was a row of round protrusions running like a spine on top of the shaft.

And then, there was the banana. It was substantially smaller than the appendage in the picture.

I clicked away from the image, enlarging a meme instead. It showed a woman looking lecherously over her shoulder at an abomination man, while a human man at her side seemed offended. The text read,When she knows his is twice as big.


That sparked my curiosity, though. A few searches later, I was entirely too well informed about the abomination kink, which seemed to be super popular. I found out there were even special nightclubs where human women went to find monster men for sex. Abominations seemed to be high up in the popularity ranking because they were so rare, but also because their dicks were supposed to feel especially good.

Better than a G-spot massager. 10/10, someone wrote on a monster fetish forum.

I processed all of it while washing the mask off my hair. The fetish thing seemed reductive to me, and it also complicated my plan a bit. If Phantom had a gaggle of thirsty women surrounding him every time he went out into a nightclub,no wonder he wasn’t that eager for me. I would have to do something those women couldn’t, but then, what would that be?

Think,I urged myself, looking into the mirror as I dried my hair.What can you do that they can’t?

Well, I could parade naked in front of him, but I’d have to practice more. To test things out, I let my bathrobe fall open, revealing hints of naked breasts and stomach. Maybe I could do it. But what else?

I climbed into bed feeling disgruntled but determined. At the last moment, I shucked off my nightshirt and lay down naked, deciding maybe I should get used to nakedness first. Then, an idea occurred to me.

I grabbed my phone and draped my comforter over me just enough to reveal half of one breast. Smiling innocently, I took a selfie and sent it to him before I chickened out.

“Thinking of you,”I said in the text.