“Be careful, Jasmine.” His tone reminds me of when we dated, when he had true concern for me.

“Careful of what?”

“You’re right… You have a lot to experience. It’s not as easy as choosing a path and refusing all help. I wanted to be the one to go on the journey with you. I wanted to give you everything.”

Swirly feelings be damned. “I don’t wanteverything. I want to be in control of my life. You know how hard my mom had it with my father.”

“I do, and she raised a woman who’s independent to a fault.”

Why does he sound so sincere?

It’s my turn to be testy. “Maybe you can’t handle an independent woman.”

“I hope someday you’ll give someone the chance.”

That’s the old Trent, always believing that things will work out. Not even asking for himself. “Someday. But today I’m submitting my coffee shop business plan for the Single, Savvy, and Successful Sirens contest. I made it past the first round.”

“Good luck. I remember you dreaming about winning the SSSS one day. I can respect that we want different things.”

“Thank you. So what is it that you want?”

“I just want you to be happy.”



Blake and Landon flank me as I knock on Jasmine’s door—a small, but well-cared for-house. My heart races, unsure of how she’ll react since she was adamant about getting in touch with us, and not the other way around. Plus, it seemed like there was more to the awkward morning with Trent. He says we can do what we want though.

We’ve waited a few days to reach out, but couldn’t stand to let another day pass without seeing her. And we’re pretty proud of our long-range master plan and the offer we have for today.

“Jasmine. It’s Cole. Blake and Landon are here, too.”

Continued silence. We exchange glances. Have we made a mistake? Her car is in the driveway and a few lights are on. We waited until evening, hoping she’d be done with work.

“Come on, Peaches! Open up!” Landon calls out.

Finally, we hear movement from inside. I shift my weight. If she’ll just let us in.

She doesn’t open the door. “What are you doing here?”

“We’ve got a business proposition for you,” Blake says, his voice smooth and encouraging.

She hesitates. “Did Trent put you up to this?”

“He wanted nothing to do with it,” I tell her. “But he gave us his blessing.”

“And my address.”

Landon grins. “GPS from the plow, Peaches. We’re resourceful.”

“I’ve already taken a shower and was about to snuggle up with a book. I’m not ready for company.”

“All we need is for you to hear us out… preferably not through the front door.”

“But I don’t have makeup on or my hair done.”

“I think we’re well past that.”