He held his hands up in surrender and smirked at her.
“What’s the matter, Quinn? You can dish it out, but you can’t take it?”
“Oh, I can take it.”
“I don’t think you can. You’re too… brutish.” He smirked as he said it and Caden knew he was trying to get a rise out of her, but she couldn’t help but respond to that particular insult.
“Brutish!?” How dare he. She was just the same as every other woman. “I am refined and sensitive—thank you very much.”
“Prove it.”
“How am I supposed to prove it?”
“Dance with me.”
“You’re on.”
He smirked again, and Caden realized she’d just talked herself into a trap. But she couldn’t back out now. Not when her dignity was on the line.
“You better be wearing your steel-toed boots because I’ve never done this before.”
“I’m honored to be your first.”
Again with the blushing. She didn’t even know why she was blushing, just that she was and it wouldn’t stop. Caden decided to ignore it and let herself be pulled to the dance floor. A few other couples swung around the floor, but not enough to put Nathan off of his mission, unfortunately.
“It’s easy enough.” Nate pulled her close and put her hands on his shoulders. His hands clasped her waist, she could feel the heat of his hands through the thin fabric of her shirt. Despite the cool air, she was feeling flushed. “All you have to do is follow my lead.”
They moved slowly across the dance floor despite the tempo of the music being played. After a few minutes of barely breathing and trying to control the color in her cheeks, she pulled away from his hold and arched an eyebrow at him.
“Have you been properly wooed yet?”
Nate gave her a slow smile, the kind that sent a thrill through her despite herself.
“Caden, I’m sensing some impatience—are you just trying to get into my pants?”
“Well hallelujah! You finally caught on.”
“You realize we didn’t even order drinks—they probably hate us for just up and leaving.”
“It’s okay, I left a tip.” He held open the door for her as she rounded the truck, his fingers aching to tuck under her jaw and angle her head towards him.
“Oh, good.” She grinned up at him, and Nathan felt his brain turn to mush—how could she be so intoxicating just smiling? What right did Caden have to look so damned stunning just going through life?
Nathan watched as she took the small step separating them, reached up, gripped his shirt with her right hand, and jerked down. Her other hand came up and gripped the back of his neck.
He knew he was a goner right then because her smell filtered into his nose. Cinnamon and vanilla. It was all he could do just to keep his face clear of everything going on inside his head.
She pulled until his mouth was level with hers, and then she kissed him. Suddenly, it was nothing but the feel of her. The feel of her breath on his face, her warm body pressed to his.
Teeth nipped at his bottom lip until he opened his mouth for her. All the thoughts poured out of his ears and blood surgedto his dick. Getting her into his truck now forgotten, he reacted instinctively.
Nathan kissed her back with all the pent up frustration she'd been causing him for the past couple of weeks.
Her mouth was on his.