“Can I shower first?” Caden didn’t particularly like the thought of him, or anyone for that matter, stitching her up, but it had to be done. She’d like to be a semblance of clean when he did it.
Reid scowled at her and folded his arms across his chest, obviously not liking that request. He sighed after a moment and rubbed his face like she was a perpetual thorn in his side. Like they hadn’t just met. He’d been her hostage, and he was treating her like they went way back. The casual acceptance and familiarity was almost alarming. Maybe it was a doctor thing.
“Fine, but it has to be quick and lukewarm, so you don’t swell.” He unfolded his arms and turned on his heel. “Stay there. I’ll be right back.”
Reid strode out and silence fell again. This time, however, it was a hell of a lot less awkward. Caden watched as Nathan carefully maneuvered himself so his back was resting against the headboard and his long legs stretched to the end of the bed. He was still smiling, but he was no longer staring at her knees.
“So...” She could do femme fatale. How hard could it be?
He glanced sideways at her when she didn’t finish her sentence. His face was busted up, and all bruised and his lips were chapped and split in the middle. His beard was thick and there was still some blood caked in by his ears. He should not have been appealing to her.
No, she couldn’t fuck him.
There were reasons, a whole list of reasons, why she should not do what she was most likely going to do, anyway. Caden tried to find her resolve. She had to not look at him and not thinkabout those muscle-bound arms wrapped around her. Or those big, calloused hands touching her.
Reason number one: he had her real name. He had her dead sisters’ names. Which hadn’t mattered when she’d given them to him, but now that she was not in fact dead—she was fucked. And not in the way she wanted to be.
Reason number two: she was technically a thief, and he was a former G-man. He’d arrested her a grand total of two and a half times. Which she could forgive because the arrests never stuck, but he had intentionally and with malicious glee (the malicious part was only speculation but there had definitely been glee happening) ruined many heists.
Reason number three: he was smart. He made her laugh. She trusted him. He was pretty. He had all that muscle that she wanted—wait, shit. No. He owned a fanny pack. He’d worn socks with sandals in Liverpool. She’d nailed him in the stomach with her elbow once and he’d farted. His choice of ties never ceased to make her cringe. He knew every step ofAll the Single Ladies. The man had used his body to play chicken with a car. What kind of foolhardy dumbass did that kind of thing?
Okay. Valid points. Nathan’s pants and all his other parts were off-limits.
“Wanna make out?” Fuck it all. She wanted him, she’d have him.
The mercenary formed a plan of action. She’d shower, get stitched, get casted, fuck Nathan, and then vacate the premises before she could do any more damage.
“Well...” He blinked, surprised, and smiled that megawatt smile at her. “Yeah.” Like the answer was obvious.
Caden couldn’t help but grin.
She liked him.
It was difficult not to with him smiling at her like that. Caden shifted, so she sat beside his undamaged shoulder. She hesitated for a moment, not because she didn’t want to kiss him until he was blue in the face, but because she wanted to burn the moment into her brain. His lips were centimeters from hers, his eyes were on her lips, his hand was on the side of her neck. This was a moment she’d keep with her.
Caden fit her mouth to his. He let out a low groan. She soaked in the vibration and couldn’t help but sigh when his hand traveled to her hair. He licked over her lips, pushing gently so she’d open her mouth to his advance. He pulled her, one-armed, into his lap and deepened the kiss.
He was being too soft. Too gentle with her, too loving. It scared her and kind of thrilled her all at once. The thief decided to ignore the gentleness with which he took her mouth and let herself go blind, deaf, and dumb to the world around her.
Nathan had her back.
She could trust him.
“Stop that.” Her breath was hot puffs of air against his lips. She pulled back a centimeter and was frowning at him all accusingly. Heat and lust and confusion had her bruised face flushed and her eyebrows furrowed.
“Stop what?”
“Kissing me like that.” She huffed, annoyance overriding her lust for the moment.
“Like what?” Nathan knew exactly what he was doing and why she was annoyed.
She didn’t want him kissing her like she mattered to him. He watched her waffle for the right words, annoyance furrowing her brows and casting shadows on her already bruised eye sockets. Her eyes narrowed and settled on his lips. Like she couldn’t put all her attention on being ticked at him, like he distracted her. Good, he liked that.