“But you could.”
“What if it were to happen again? What a tragedy it would be.”
“Life is filled with endless tragedies. Especially our lives. What if it’s a happy ending?”
I scoff. “Does that exist for a vampire? There is no ending.”
“Even better. A happy eternity.” He tilts toward me. “You like him.”
“Put your dick away. I can’t take you seriously like this.”
Lucius chuckles, tucking his soft but still impressive cock back into his slacks. “Better?”
“Yes. Of course I like him. I don’t fuck people I don’t like, but it’s no more than a passing fancy.”
“Does your knot agree with that?”
“I need to understand why it happens. I actually thought it had worn off or something. It’s been so long.”
“There is the one theory Sade had.”
Nodding, I glance around the club at the tables of beings drinking, feasting, and fucking. “I considered that, but wouldn’t Geordi know if he was partially supernatural? With all his blood research it should’ve shown by now.”
“Unless he doesn’t know what to look for, and honestly, how would he?”
“Perhaps it’s why he smells so delightful.”
“Just to you, my friend. He smells pleasant and mortal to me, but nothing special.”
“Hmm. Curiouser and curiouser.”
“Indeed. Did he please you?”
Flashes of his moans and the taste of his blood tease my memories. “Immensely. I desperately wanted to take him upstairs and lock us away until I’d had my fill.”
“Oh yes, that happens all the time with you. Let me name all the lovers you’ve wanted to do that with.” He taps his chin while I narrow my eyes. “I’m coming up with nothing.”
“I’m aware of how odd it is.”
“That’s good. What will you do about it?”
“I have no idea. He may not even give in again. He has some sort of rule-following fetish.”
“Ahh, but now he’s had a taste of the great vampire Elias, and he’s only mortal flesh and blood. He’ll be back.”
“And then what? Shall I lock him away while the world burns around us?”
Lucius reaches over and puts his hand over mine. “My dearest friend, the world is not burning. We’ve been through this sort of thing a thousand times, and we’ll see it a thousand more before the sun burns out. It’s but a bump in a very long road. Enjoy yourself with the curious man.”
“Perhaps. How was Tristan?”
Lucius removes his hand, leaning back in his seat. “Lovely. Eager. It was going quite nicely until he started peppering me with questions about how to get into your bed. Why do you avoid him?”
“I don’t know. He’s very charming and obviously gorgeous, but something doesn’t sit right with me. You didn’t notice anything off?”
“No. I fucked him hard and planted images of the both of us unraveling him together. He came like a geyser and screamed your name. I fear he’s obsessed.”
“Perhaps it’s the thrill of the chase.”