“N-no.” I clear my throat. “Rules create order and order resists chaos.”
“You’re missing out, mortal. Chaos is the spice of life.”
“Ooh, I like this guy,” Enyo says.
“Who would like a tour?” Elias says, shifting the topic. “We can test how long your vaccine works.”
“Yeah, okay.”
As we stand and walk towards the back, my thoughts tangle around one fact: The vaccine doesn’t work on me. Taking it again is a guaranteed way to get myself in trouble with Elias, and that should concern me, but I can’t deny how good it felt to just let go, even for a few minutes.
Then I get an idea. What if it’s just Elias that has a weird effect on me? I have sort of crushed on him from afar for too many therapy hours to count. Plausible.
“Wait.” Both men turn to me. “I’m gonna take the vaccine again. I want to test it out on me again, but with a different vampire. No offense.”
Elias narrows his eyes. “Why?”
Enyo grins, rocking on his toes. “Yeah, Geordi. Why?”
I glare back at him. “Just different reference points. I’d like you to supervise though. You can pick the vampire too. I need to make sure I’m safe, of course.”
Elias nods. “Very well. You can meet the vampires I’ve invited for intel. I’m sure any one of them would be delighted to compel you.”
“But you’ll stay close, right?”
“A village mob couldn’t drag me away.”
“Cool.” I blow out a breath. “Let’s do this.”
Iwould be lying if I didn’t acknowledge the excitement vibrating through my veins right now at the prospect of tasting the lovely mortal again. But first, I lead him down the stairs to Paradiso and to the table where my friends sit.
Enyo is bright-eyed with eager energy, a state that draws quite a bit of supernatural attention in his direction. Geordi holds his friend’s hand, as if to keep him from wandering off. When we approach the table, it’s Jagger who immediately focuses on Enyo.
“Well, hello there,” Jagger says, standing and towering over the petite mortal.
A pretty smile spreads across Enyo’s lips. “Hello. I’m Enyo.”
“Gentlemen, I have a request. Our mortal friends here would like to be compelled. They’re conducting an experiment.”
“I’d love to assist,” Jagger says, hooking his arm around Enyo’s waist.
“Lucius, would you help me with Geordi?”
He raises an elegant eyebrow. “Certainly.”
Jagger leads Enyo away from the others, causing Geordi to tense beside me.
“Your friend is safe,” I say to Geordi. “Jagger won’t hurt him.”
“Um, okay. I need to take the vaccine again before we begin.”
“Of course.” With my hand on his lower back, I guide him to a more private area, slightly growling at all the prying eyes and grabby hands as we pass. “You’re very popular here.”