Page 36 of Thicker than Blood


“I’ll be here.”

I end the call and slump against the workstation.

“What’s wrong?” Enyo asks, munching on a donut hole.

“We have to work with Bernard’s nephew Ronald. He’s former military.”

Enyo shrugs. “Maybe he’s hot.”

“Which matters how?”

“Not all of us get us to smash faces with Elias Caswell.”

“That one was a one-time event.” Flustered now, I grab my messenger bag. “I’ll be back at three to meet Ronald.”

“Make sure you set up a meeting at the pleasure palace.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I make my way through the building, waving to security on my way out. When I step outside, the cold air sobers me enough to make driving home slightly less dangerous in my exhausted state. I’ll deal with Ronald and Elias and this broken vaccine later. Right now, I need to get a few hours of sleep.

When I pull into my parking space, it takes me a second to orient myself. I clearly drove here on autopilot, my thoughts tied up in vaccines and sexy vampires. Is that another side effect of the vaccine? Or maybe that’s just the side effect of making out with Elias.

I rub my face and grab my stuff to exit the car, then slog through the snow-covered lot to my apartment, passing all the people who have to get to work but need to brush off and warm up their cars first. Inside, I lean against the door, kicking off my boots and peeling out of my coat as exhaustion sinks in and takes over. I make it to my bed to pass out for a few blissful hours, but as I close my eyes and nestle in my bedding, the face I see is his.

The vampire Elias.



Surrounded by my friends, I listen to their updates of happenings in their own areas. I called and they came, as I knew they would. I’m pleased that my instincts about them were correct. Soren is telling us about a local gang getting attacked and killed by vampires just days before we became aware of the uprising.

I’m about to ask a question but my thoughts shift abruptly to the lovely mortal Geordi. Sensual spikes of heat prick my skin and my fangs descend. My tongue tingles from the brief taste of the man, and as I close my eyes, I see visions of him naked in his bed, his cock swollen and chest heaving as he fantasizes about me ravaging him.

Well. Isn’t this an interesting development? Our psychic connection lingers long after our interlude.


I snap my head up to Soren. “Yes?”

“Where did you go?”

“Apologies. I have a lot on my mind.”

Lucius grins, briefly waggling his eyebrows at me. “Do tell, friend.”

Ignoring his jab, I wave for them to continue. “Please, go on. What did I miss?”

“Lucius said there’s a vampire in South Asia who may know some underground vampires.”

Lucius nods. “Yes, I met him some years ago. He calls himself Baia.”

“I’ve not heard that name.”

“No. He’s solitary. Lone wolf vibes, if you will. In my experience with him, he’s fiercely loyal and protective of our kind.”