I throw my head back, gripping the arms of the chair I sit in as visions of Geordi writhing in his bed, gushing cum and calling out my name play in my head. I have to squeeze my cock painfully hard to stop from embarrassing myself in front of my friends.
The vision fades and I’m left stunned. When I open my eyes, my friends are staring at me as if I just grew an extra head.
“All the gods,” I whisper, breathlessly. “It was as if I was there in the room with him.”
“And we are watching you,” Lucius says with a smirk. “This mortal must be delightful.”
Gathering my composure, I nod. “He’s lovely, but this response is not normal.”
“Did you take the vaccine?” Soren asks.
“No, he did.”
“Did it work?” Jagger asks.
“No. It had the opposite effect. It seems to have unlocked his most hidden desires.”
“Like fucking a vampire?” Hendrix muses.
“Exactly. Apparently, he’s at home right now imagining just that. I felt his orgasm.”
“Was he thinking of you?” Soren asks.
“Yes.” I clear my throat. “How convenient. I had every intention of coaxing him to my bed. Knowing his inner desires just made my quest that much easier.”
“Have you ever had difficulty getting someone into your bed?” Lucius asks. “I seem to remember falling in quite easily.”
Chuckling, I lean back. “He follows the rules. It’s adorable.”
“Ah, and he’s met the ultimate rule breaker,” Lucius says.
“That he has.” Only seconds later, my phone rings and his name lights up the screen. “Speaking of…” I hit the answer button. “Hello, Geordi.”
A whimper greets me before he clears his throat. “Elias. Are you busy?”
“Not for you. What can I help you with?”
“I’d like to come back tonight and bring a friend. A researcher. I want to know if the effect of the vaccine is unique to me or if it’s a flaw. Would that be possible?”
“You trust this researcher?”
“He’s the closest thing I have to a best friend. I trust him.”
“Then I trust him. Come whenever you like. I’m always here.”
He blows out a breath. “We’ll come around seven.”
“I’ll be waiting. Have you had a productive day?”
I’m gifted with another whimper. “Um, yes. It was fine. Good. I, um… yes.”
Grinning, I glance up at my friends watching me. “Very good. I look forward to seeing you again, Geordi.”
“You too. I mean, I look forward to seeing you too. Okay, bye.”
He ends the call before I can say more. “He’s a nervous little thing.”
“He’s coming over?” Jagger asks. “Can we see him?”