When I glance back up, one of the creatures has approached slightly closer than the others. “Who are you?” he asks.
Whoa. “You speak English?” Talk about one for the win column.
He nods. “Of course. What’s your name? Why are you here?”
“I’m Natalie Bishop,” I say. “I’ve been looking for you.” I’m still searching through the backpack, making sure everything is okay.
The…man?...in front of me looks startled. He’s intriguing, with strong features and shining eyes. His long white hair cascades down his back, part of it twisted in braids. At a little over 5’6” and about 130 pounds, I’m not a particularly petite person. I’m fit and fairly strong, with decent muscle tone. But next to him, I’m like a tiny doll. He has at least a foot on me and more than a hundred pounds, all of it muscle. He’s massive. And the sight of him sends an unexpected bolt of electricity right between my legs.
He may not be human, but good grief. He’s smoking hot.
“You were looking for me?” he says, his voice deep and curious.
I chuckle and clear my throat, trying to shoo away my sudden lust for this stranger. “Well, no, not you specifically. What I mean is that I was in these caves looking for monsters. And I found you.”
His brow furrows and I can tell he’s offended. Crap. “Monsters? You think we’re monsters?” His tone has turned hard.
“Sorry, no.” I say. I slip the pack back around, so it’s resting on my shoulders, and meet his gaze. “To be fair, I don’t know what you are, other than not human. I’m using monster as a catch-all term for sapio-sentient humanoid-esque creatures. I’m on a mission to prove species like yours exist, which is why I’m here. I sought you out. Which does beg the question: What exactly are you?”
Okay, it’s maybe not the smoothest introduction I’ve ever managed. Yes, I’m rambling at this handsome stranger who I’ve inadvertently angered. But after falling halfway down the mountain and landing in a pile of turquoise people with glowing eyes and horns, it’s the best I can do. I glance around again, taking in more of the room. It seems to be some sort of fathering place, with seating carved into the rock walls.
The creature shakes his head, as if my babbling has confused him. “Please start from the beginning,” he says. I start to speak, but he shakes his head again and holds up a hand to stop me. “No. Wait. I’ll start. My name is Kill, and I am a goblin, as are all who reside here. Please explain, Natalie Bishop, how you found us and what your specific intentions are.”
Huh. Goblins. Not at all what I expected him to say. Goblins make me think of tiny green gremlins with big ears and bulging eyes. Not these tall, muscular specimens. Then his name sinks in and I take a step back. “Your name is Kill?” That’s…a tad grim.
His glowing yellow eyes glint, flaring even brighter for a second. “My name is technically Killian. Kill is a nickname, but a deserved one.”
Welp, there’s an implicit threat in that statement. I hold up my palms again, still trying to convey that I’m not dangerous. “I don’t mean you any harm. Think of me as an explorer. I’ve just come to meet you and hopefully document your existence. I want to get to know you. That’s all.”
“Those are contradictory statements, Natalie Bishop.” The rest of the goblins, who are circled loosely behind him, nod in agreement.
I frown. “You can just call me Natalie. No need to use my full name every time. And what’s the contradiction?”
“We keep our existence private for a reason. If you’ve come to expose us, we would consider that harmful.” None of the others have spoken yet, but an even bigger, brawnier goblin with a dark purple mohawk steps up and nods his head in agreement.
If Killian is handsome, this new guy is…well, scary. Not bad-looking, but terrifyingly large.
“Okay,” I say, taking a breath. “Maybe we could start over? Sit down, do better introductions. I can tell you more about why I’m here and you can tell me…anything, really. I was certain monsters lived in the mountains, but to have it proved…” I trail off when he scowls.
“I told you. We are not monsters. We’re goblins.”
“Right, sorry. Force of habit. I’ll try to stop doing that.”
Killian—I refuse to think of him asKill—gestures to a redheaded female goblin. “Brigid, please take Natalie to the dining hall. We’ll deal with things there.”
She nods.
“Wait, I have questions?—”
Killian cuts me off. “Go with Brigid. Someone will come and talk to you soon.”
Brigid takes my arm and leads me away, but not before I see the expression on his face.
It’s as grim as his nickname.