“No.” Easton grinned, easing in closer. “I’m the bull rider. We could Google some videos of me if you want to watch.”
“Oy, I’d love to see them.” She clapped her hands together. “Could you demonstrate in real life as well? And teach me the ins and outs of a bull rider’s life and experiences? Wouldn’t that be delicious fodder for a book?”
“I believe it would.” He grinned broadly. “I’d be delicious fodder for a book as well. I’ll teach you everything I know.” His gaze dropped to her mouth then slowly lifted. “Everything.”
Marci laughed. He seemed like a great guy, but he was an obvious expert in seduction, and too bold for her. He might as well have written ‘player’ across his forehead in permanent ink. “Thank you. I look forward to that.”
“So do I.” His voice got deep and husky and he leaned so close she could smell his warm and spicy cologne.
“You’re the best, Easton.” She did a little dance that drew her back into the doorway and not quite as close to him.
He straightened, still smiling. “Has anyone ever told you that you are delightful?”
“No! Oh my, you are such a nice man.” She beamed up at him. She’d much rather be talking to his brother, but despite being a womanizer, Easton was very kind. He’d make a fabulous hero. She’d love to meet the woman who could tame the likes of Easton Coleville. “What events does Walker do in the rodeo?”
“Really?” Her heart took off at a gallop imagining Walker racing in on his huge black steed swinging a rope around his head. He could lasso her heart anytime. “And I can Google him and watch events?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Easton studied her. “But I’m sure you’ll want to watch me riding a bull first. I’m low-key incredible, and my sport is much more dangerous than roping.”
“That’s amazing you’re a bull rider.” Roping looked plenty dangerous, especially for her heart and so appealing, imagining Walker on the horse. She didn’t want to make Easton feel bad. “I do love danger. Well, not like being in danger and definitely not my Abuelita in danger, but in books I read and the stories I write.” She smiled but felt a bit squeamish thinking of all the horrifying situations she’d shoved characters into, and now her beloved Abuelita might be being hurt because of her. Even being uncomfortable would be awful for Abuelita. Her idea of camping was the Four Seasons.
“I’m sorry about your grandma.”
“Thanks.” She forced a smile. “You’ve given me lots to think about instead of moping. I’ve got to start my research, and I believe I’ll write pages of exciting material tonight.” She shoved open the door and rushed through, but then spun and looked back out. “Would it be an inconvenience for me to get a workout in tomorrow morning?”
“No, ma’am. You can work out with Walker and I. We’ll be lifting weights and sparring, or we could go on a run around the property.”
Her eyes widened. “I can watch you and Walker lift weights and spar?”
He nodded.
“Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. Inspiration galore. Thank you. I’ll have an entire book written by tomorrow.” She swung the door shut, hurried to the bed, and dropped to her knees. “Thank you,thank you,” she prayed. “You’ve dropped me into a bit of heaven. Except for the nightmare with Abuelita, of course. Please protect her and get her home safe. Thank you for Aiden Porter and all his brave helpers. And thank you a million times over for creating a man as glorious as Walker Coleville and bringing me to him.”
She stood, let out a happy cry, and fell back onto the bed. If Abuelita were safe and Walker wasn’t leaving for a rodeo in the morning, life would be perfect.
Walker metEaston in the barn to feed and water the horses and bulls. Easton was quiet, his movements jerky. Something was wrong. Walker hadn’t seen him quiet … since Cassie left.
He wondered what could be bothering his ever-happy brother enough to shut his flapping jaw. Walker was the one who should be annoyed, and honestly, he was. He had to leave the incredible Marci Richards basically alone with his charming womanizer of a brother. His twin who had not only called dibs, but was acting decidedly not like himself.
Walker had been convinced earlier that Marci was interested in him. He feared by the time he returned home Sunday night, she’d either be back home in Florida with her case resolved or in Easton’s arms. His gut churned. He’d never be the same if he didn’t get a chance with her, but what could he do?
“You’ve been mooning over Lily for years now,” Easton said, finally breaking his uncharacteristic silence as they finished chores and walked toward the barn doors.
“I have.” Walker wondered how it could feel like Marci was the one he should’ve been looking for when for so many years he’d longed for Lily. He didn’t believe he was fickle; it was morelack of information. Now that the right woman for him finally been placed in his path, he knew why none of the dozens of women he’d dated over the years compared and why even Lily wasn’t the right one for him. Marci was.
“And you’re the only one that knows I’ve never been able to get Cassie out of my head,” Easton continued.
They cleared the doors. Walker stopped and turned to face his brother. “I know. I’m sorry she ditched you.” He was more sorry Easton couldn’t get over her. Sure, Cassie had been hilarious, beautiful, and Easton’s perfect match, but she was gone.
Cassie had left Coleville the minute she turned eighteen with big dreams, big plans, and Easton’s heart in her purse. She’d never come back. Walker wasn’t certain when she’d officially dumped Easton or if his brother had simply given up, but Easton had stopped talking about his plans of Cassie returning a few years ago and morphed into the player of the year. It was heartbreaking.
Easton met his gaze, and Walker could see that his twin was hurting. Nobody else in the world, even Mama, could see how deep Cassie’s leaving had gouged Easton. He was respectful of women, but he didn’t trust them and rarely went past a first date.