But what if she was right and he was a man with a dangerous power complex who would hurt Grandma and get her fired? She’d have no support from the hospital board if she tried to expose him. What would her parents do? She’d never told them anything about her concerns and Dr. Hampshire’s flirtations. They raved about Dr. Hampshire and how he was helping Grandma have quality of life and prolonging her life. The ‘perfect doc’ was overly nice and attentive to her family, part of his ploy to manipulate Lily.
She jumped at every closed door, every motor starting, every set of footsteps she heard. She rushed toward the employee parking section, almost to her car, relief filling her as she saw it just down the row.
“Lily,” a voice called from the next row over.
No! Dr. Hampshire. Heart racing, she ducked and shuffled to her car.
“There you are,” he said in a delighted, sing-song voice as if they were kids playing hide and seek.
Crap. He’d spotted her. She straightened and pretended she hadn’t seen him, her heart thumping uncomfortably against her rib cage.
He hurried between cars and intercepted her just as she reached her Maxima.
“Lily.” He grinned, his handsome face distorted by the disturbing shadow lurking in his brown eyes. Why couldn’t anyone but her see what a slimy charlatan he was?
“Hi, Dr. Hampshire.” She clung to her keys and clicked the door unlocked. She rushed around him and grabbed her door handle.
“It’s Brad to you, Lily.” He put his smooth hand on her arm. “I’ve saved your grandmother’s life countless times. Surely that makes us close.” He ran his tongue over his bottom lip.
Gag. He was telling the truth about saving Grandma’s life. Could she appreciate his skills as a doctor while still thinking he was a dirtbag?
“We need to focus on a professional relationship,” she said, turning to face him head on, straightening her back, and forcing herself to hold his gaze. Her stomach turned over as darkness made his eyes darken from the color of sickly meconium to the murky brown of dried blood.
“I think you need to focus on your future.” He trailed his hands through her long ponytail and then along her arm.
She yanked back and her elbow hit the door. It hurt. She grasped it.
“Lily.” His voice was placating and sickening. He touched her elbow. “You’re going to hurt yourself and others if you don’t do what’s best for you.”
“I know what’s best for me,” she said, her breath coming in terrified pants. Would he really hurt Grandma? She yanked the door open and slid inside before he could say more. She tried to pull the door closed but Brad hung onto it.
Please help me know how to handle him, she begged heaven above. Nothing seemed to work.
“I was fascinated to see that your Lieutenant Miles Coleville is now dating Eva Chevron,” he said, staring down at her. “You need me and my protection more than ever, beautiful Lily, my flower.”
“I don’t need your protection; I have a very serious boyfriend.” What a lie.
He chuckled. “We’ve tried that route, Lily. Mr. Navy SEAL has made it clear to the world he’s dating Eva Chevron.”
“Not Miles. I’m actually engaged to … his brother.”
His brow furrowed and her heart raced even faster. What was she saying? Could she beg Clint or Walker to pretend she was engaged to them? For how long? She had to find another solution. She couldn’t take advantage of either of them. She and Miles had let their relationship drag on for far too long.
“Which one?” he demanded.
“Sheriff Clint Coleville,” she spit out before she could think better of it. She sucked in a breath. What had she done? Please let Dr. Hampshire believe the lie and she would never have to tell Clint.
“Maybe you’re confused, Lily. It happens sometimes at the end of back-to-back shifts.”
Her stomach curdled. He knew her schedule.
“I sure hope confusion like that never happens for me when I’m taking care of your sweet grandma.”
She gasped.
“Think about what story you want to go with, Lily.” He gave her a condescending look. “I can ensure your future success,keep Grandma healthy, and make you a very, very happy woman.” His tongue ran over his lower lip again.
She had no idea how to respond. Unless she could dump the guilt and ask Clint to be fake engaged to her, she was in an even bigger mess than before.