Reaching the parking lot, he saw Walker a few rows over, leaning against his silver F350. It was a common tease with the brothers which truck was the best. Clint had always been a Chevy man. Easton liked his Ram and Rhett was on Easton’s team. Houston couldn’t afford a truck with all his investment dividends going to medical school.

As he approached, Walker straightened away from the truck. He didn’t glare at him; that wouldn’t be Walker.

“I don’t want this to be between us,” Clint said as he approached.

“You hugging the lady I love? Going back on your word?” Walker shook his head. “How is that not going to come between us?”

Clint’s gut churned. He was glad he hadn’t eaten anything this morning. “I want to do the right thing, but I have no clue what that is. I’ve been half in love with Lily for years and felt guilty about it, so I kept my distance.” He gestured to Walker. “Now I’m feeling even more guilty.”

Walker’s eyes widened in surprise, and he rubbed at the back of his neck. “You’re so closed off; nobody would know that you cared for her.”

“I know, and I gave you my word. Let me … get through this protection detail, figure out who’s harassing her, then I’ll step away and let you have your shot.” It was the hardest thing he’d ever said. He didn’t want any man touching Lily, even his thoughtful and impressive brother, but his word was his word.

Walker studied him and then lifted his hands. “If she’s chosen you, what does it matter?”

Clint’s heart gave a strange leap. Had Lily chosen him, or was it by default?

“I don’t know that she’s chosen me. She named me because I’m the sheriff and known in Kalispell. We’ve gotten close the past few days, but I don’t know that it means anything.” It meant everything to him.

His heart thudded dully in his chest. Was he giving up on Lily? What was the saying about setting someone you loved free? It was a stupid saying.

Walker said nothing for a few beats. “I don’t want to fight with you either. I’d like a chance to date Lily and let her know how I’ve always felt about her, but you know I’m not the guy to push his way in. If she loves you, I’ll deal with it.”

His brother was willing to step down, but it wouldn’t be right of Clint to take advantage of Walker’s kindness. Lily needed to choose for herself, and she couldn’t very well do that living at Clint’s house and with him taking advantage of kissing and touching her every other moment.

“You’re an honorable and great guy, Walker. I’ll step back after we finish this and let you have your chance.”

Walker studied him. Then he shook his head, took his hat off, and ran his fingers through his hair. He jammed his hat back on.“I’ve always looked up to you, Clint. I know you’d do anything for our family.”

Clint nodded. It was true. His family had always come first. Except when he got engaged to Sheryl and ignored their concerns. He wanted to put Lily first now, but that may never happen. Would she fall for Walker if he gave her that slow smile and declared his longtime feelings for her? What woman wouldn’t fall for a thoughtful, kind yet tough and accomplished man like Walker? Women literally threw themselves at Walker’s ‘charming’ twin Easton, but Walker had plenty of women after him as well.

“I know you’ll do the right thing,” Walker said.

Clint studied his brother. If only he knew what the right thing was.



Lily wonderedwhat had happened between Walker and Clint as they went home to change and then drove to her ranch. He didn’t offer anything and she didn’t know how to bring it up. They ate lunch with her family, played card games, went on a long walk with everyone, and then watched some preseason football games. They headed home after dinner.

Not her home. Clint’s home. She loved this house and wished some day she could make it hers.

Clint had been great all day hanging out with everyone—fun, happy, teasing—but as they drove home, he was quiet. They walked into the house, and she glanced at the decorative clock on the fireplace mantle. Seven-thirty. What were they going to do with themselves? Go on another walk?

She stopped in the kitchen and glanced up at him. He’d taken off his cowboy hat and boots in the laundry room. He ruffled his hair and smiled down at her, but it was guarded. “Thanks for a nice day.”

A nice day. Intriguing.

“I’m sorry we didn’t go spend time with your family.” Not that she wanted to make things awkward for Walker. He was such a great guy. Just not her great guy.

“It’s good. It would’ve been … hard.”

“On Walker?” she got brave enough to ask.

He nodded and didn’t seem surprised by the question. He thumped his closed fist against the side of his leg, his jaw tight. How could she ask if he wanted her for himself or if he was simply being the noble sheriff and ready to hand her over to Walker?

“Would you like to watch a movie?” he asked.