By one o’clock, three of the natural deliveries were complete, with beautiful angelic babies and happy exhausted moms. The other moms were not progressing fast, so the shift coordinator told her to go get lunch.

She got her phone from her locker and texted Clint.I have thirty minutes for lunch. Sorry I couldn’t let you know sooner.

No problem. Rhett brought me a variety of Jimmy John sandwiches. Meet you in the cafeteria?

Perfect. Thank you.

She hurried to the steps and then pumped down them. Excitement flowed through her and she let herself admire her ring. Clint had sat outside the hospital waiting for her all morning and was planning to wait until late evening. That had to mean something. Or was it just for his job? She couldn’t wrap her mind around him turning her over to Walker as if what they had between them meant nothing.

She rushed into the cafeteria and glanced around. It was quiet, with only a few people at scattered tables. She wandered farther into the room, glancing around several dividers but not seeing him. Turning to face the door, she eased toward a quiet table near the windows.

Clint walked in through the far door carrying several bags of food and a drink carrier with four drinks. She lifted a hand and waved. He saw her and tilted his chin up, giving her a warm smile. His cowboy hat was still on as his hands were full.

She started toward him. A soft hand on her arm and the spell of spicy cologne turned her stomach.

“Lily.” Dr. Hampshire grinned at her.

Where had he come from?

She stepped away and saw Clint up his pace, his blue eyes growing stormy.

“I’ve missed you,” Dr. Hampshire said, oblivious to her reluctance or the brawny cowboy closing in on them.

“I told you I’m engaged.”

“Stop with the games, Lily.”

Clint stormed into their space, set all the food and drinks on a nearby table, wrapped his arm around Lily’s waist, and drew her against his chest. She was instantly protected and lit up. He was here. She was safe in the cocoon of his brawny arms. Dr. Hampshire wouldn’t dare mess with her now.

His blue eyes feasted on her face and then he bent his head and claimed her mouth with his own. She was instantly swept away, and her insides exploded like fireworks. Clint’s persuasive mouth produced a tingly warmth she felt clear through her body. Lily melted against him, savoring each moment of this dreamlike kiss. She was on fire and could never get enough of this man or his alluring lips.

As quickly as the kiss started, it stopped. Clint pulled back and winked at her, then turned to face Dr. Hampshire. He kept his left hand around her waist, securing her against him. She leaned into him, unsteady from the beautiful intensity of that kiss and the abrupt ending.

“Forgive me for interrupting,” Clint said, all swagger and confidence, not one bit repentant. “I can’t resist my Lily.” He stuck out his right hand. “And you are?”

Dr. Hampshire’s jaw was slack. He looked terrified. He put his limp hand in Clint’s. “Dr. Brad Hampshire.”

“Sheriff Clint Coleville. Lily’s fiancé.” Clint didn’t release his hand. He clamped his hand around the doctor’s and applied pressure. Then he lowered his voice. “And if I hear about you flirting with or threatening my girl again … I’ll break your nose first, then your hand, then your arm. Understood?”

Thrills raced through Lily. Clint would never let anyone hurt her, and his kiss promised he loved her.

Dr. Hampshire tried to pull back but failed. He cringed and tried again. Clint didn’t release him, his gaze unwavering on the doctor.

“There’s … no need for violence, Sheriff. It was innocent flirting.”

Clint raised a brow at that. “I’ll decide.”

Dr. Hampshire’s eyes widened and sweat broke out on his brow. “Please. We are both professionals. I’m sure we can reach an agreement.”

Clint gave a low chuckle that had no humor in it. Lily felt warm, protected, and strengthened. Dr. Hampshire could try to manipulate, but Clint would not allow it.

“The agreement,” Clint said in measured tones, “is you stay far away from Lily. I have no problem with violence, or vigilante justice. Understood?” He tightened his grip on Dr. Hampshire’s hand.

“I’ll never bother her again,” he squeaked out.

“See that you don’t.” Clint released his hand and turned to Lily as if he’d already forgotten Dr. Hampshire was there. “How has your day been, sweetheart?”

“Busy,” she managed, trembling as she cuddled into him. “Better now.”