When they pulled up to his house, it was only eight-thirty. The sun was down as it was almost September, but he didn’t want to go to bed early. Maybe they could extend their time together. He parked the motorcycle in the garage, shut the garage door, and waited for her to slide off.
He put down the kickstand, swung off the bike, and found himself right in her space. She didn’t back up. Her breath shortened as she stared up at him. How could he explain how deeply invested in her he was, but he couldn’t date her until they resolved her case and he let his brother Walker have a shot? It sounded like chicken crap, but he couldn’t backstab his own brother.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” she asked.
“A walk?” He cocked his head to the side. Was she avoiding being alone in his house together? It wasn’t a bad idea. Much more time alone with her and would kiss her thoroughly and forget every bit of loyalty he claimed to have. He hit his clenched fist against his leg.
“I didn’t get a workout in this morning, and I’ll sleep better if I move.” She smiled, but her pulse was racing like mad in her neck.
“Sure.” They’d been active today, but he understood liking to get a morning workout in as he rarely missed his.
She eased around him, careful not to brush against him. It was a setback, but he could imagine she was as confused as he was. A week ago, she’d been in a long-time relationship with Miles. Now she was in a fake relationship with Clint. She had to know Walker was after her as well. Would she be ready to date Walker after this protection detail was over?
They walked toward the exterior door of the garage. He opened it and let her walk through first. Then he turned back and punched in the security code that would deadbolt the door and rearm the security system.
They walked along the road that led through town, lamp posts and front porch lights guiding their steps, an occasional car motoring by and waving to them. Did she realize they would be the talk of Coleville from a few motorist sightings and people peering out their windows?
“Why do you have a security system on your house?” she asked.
“Being the sheriff. Just smarter that way.”
She didn’t say anything. He cleared his throat. “Your family took the news of us dating well.”
“Yeah.” She focused on the road.
Clint could hear their foot strikes, his louder with the boots and his heavier weight, their breath, the crickets chirping. How to draw her out? He checked the shadows, a natural instinct. Nothing out of place.
Suddenly Lily sucked in a breath, staring at something in front of them. Clint moved in front of her to protect her, his hand on his pistol. “What?”
“Oh, sorry. Nothing dangerous.” She gave a nervous laugh.
He turned to face her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Shall we turn back?”
His brows lifted. They’d been walking maybe ten minutes. “Sure.” He glanced around, trying to place what had her spooked, and he realized … they were approaching the south side of the lake with the parking lot and the dock.Theirdock. Maybe she thought about that almost kiss as often as he did. Now he had a couple more almost kisses to add to the memory. When could he get rid of the ‘almost’? Or did he need to put his guard up as she didn’t seem ready to let hers down? He hadn’t come to any resolution about how to be loyal to Walker in the mix of his mental muddle. What kind of a brother was he? Did guilt count as trying to be loyal?
They turned and walked silently back along the road to his place. As they walked past the Millers’ small ranch and horse-training facility, the front door burst open. His friend Cade’s mama came hurrying down the steps. Clint’s first thought was Benjamin Oliver had done something to Cade’s family. His second thought was something had happened to Cade and Jacey.
“Mama Jane? Everything all right?”
“Oh, heavens yes.” Her smile stretched wide. “I heard you two are together.”
“Yes, ma’am. All the rumors are true.” Clint smiled and took the opportunity to reach for Lily’s hand, threading their fingers together. It fit perfectly in his, as if they were meant to be joined from now until the end of forever.
“I love it.” Mama Miller clapped her hands together and beamed at them. “I can’t think of two people who’d be more perfect together. Except my Cade and his Jacey.” Her smile faltered a bit, and Clint could imagine she was worrying if Cade and Jacey were staying safe from Jacey’s brilliant and demented at-large father.
“Thank you.” Clint raised he and Lily’s joined hands to his lips and brushed his knuckles across them.
Lily’s sweet sigh and fluttered eyelashes revved his heart up. He wanted to walk her back home and kiss her for a very long time. It wasn’t smart or the right thing to do, but he didn’t want to be smart or right. Lily leaned into his shoulder and he didn’t know how to focus on the right thing when she felt so perfectly right to him.
“How are Evie and Tammy doing?” Lily asked, referring to Cade’s younger sisters.
“Good. They don’t love doing online school, but …” She met Clint’s gaze, and he could read the question there, whether Lily knew what was really happening and why the Miller girls had toleave the university and come home. He shook his head slightly. “They’re both smart and doing great.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Is Tammy still headed to P.T. school?”
“Yes. She got accepted to Creighton. She’s thrilled.”