“I’m afraid not.”

“You’re afraid not? What are you saying? Any single woman on the planet would give up her firstborn child to have a shot at Clint Coleville, the walking billboard of manly cowboy heroism.” Daisy sucked in a breath through her teeth and then sighed longingly.

Lily smiled. She slid her shoes off and sprawled out on the bed. It felt amazing to stretch out her back after two very long days. Clint’s touch and kisses had felt better.

“I know, right? He is …” How to describe everything that Clint was to her? Joy, light, safety, a rock, tender and thrilling touches, understanding and kindness.

“Dreamy, hot, ultra-hot, tough, impenetrable, unattainable …” Daisy filled in for her. “He’s Sheriff Clint Coleville. Thatidiotic Sheryl Dracon broke his heart, didn’t she? Sheryl never deserved him. You need to get to the bottom of that whole deal, and help him heal with lots of sweet, sweet kisses.”

Lily’s entire body felt hot.

“Why are you fake engaged? Let’s do this thing right. Get real engaged.”

“Daisy.” Her sister was in a graduate program and almost ready to be a physical therapist, but sometimes she acted like a boy-crazy teenager. “It’s not that simple.” She was not going to spill to Daisy about the disturbing poster hung at their cabin, Dr. Hampshire’s constant come-ons, and Clint and Mark’s worries that there was another man after her. “Miles and I only broke up a week ago.”

The very thought of Sheryl Dracon and Clint together turned her stomach. She’d tried to avoid seeing them together the year they dated and been engaged. Church had been torture. When Miles had tried to break up with Lily six months ago, Clint and Sheryl had been weeks from their wedding day. She’d broken down and sobbed. She and Miles hadn’t resolved anything that day. It was embarrassing to think about her breakdown now. At that moment she’d been in despair, knowing she’d never have Clint in her life.

What about now?

“I know,” Daisy all but yelled. “You’re the lucky duck who gets all the ultra-hot Coleville brothers. Yummy. They are each just … um, deliciousness.”

“Tell me how you really feel,” Lily said, not wanting to respond to her ‘getting all the ultra-hot Coleville brothers’ comment. She only wanted the oldest one.

Daisy giggled. “All right. So let’s talk about this. Why are you fake engaged to that perfect specimen? Why not real engaged?”

Lily rolled over and off the bed. “It’s too much to explain, sis, and I have had the longest day of my life.”

“Are you kidding me? You aren’t going to tell me? If you tell Rose before me, I swear I will … well, I’ll do something really bad to you when I come home next.”

Lily laughed. She needed this. Needed Daisy. It hurt that she hadn’t confided in her sisters, her parents, the people that had her back. She’d simply dealt with it a day at a time and prayed Dr. Hampshire would give up on her and she wouldn’t have to upset everyone by accusing the esteemed cardiologist. Now it was such a convoluted mess—the fear, hopefulness, stuck in an awful situation, and feeling like she was to blame for not prevailing over Dr. Hampshire.

The fake engagement had felt like the perfect solution, but now she wondered what she had been thinking. Had she been acting on her desire to be with Clint? There were so many repercussions and logistics that neither of them had stopped to think about. That wasn’t like the sheriff at all. He was deliberate and smart. Was he as intrigued by her as she was by him? That look in his eyes as he’d leaned in, the soft kisses on her face… Maybe.

“Earth to Lily. Are you daydreaming about yourfinefiancé?”

“For sure,” she admitted.

“Yes! Man, girlie, you have the life. First you date the swoony Miles Coleville for years and then within minutes of breaking up with him, bam! Sheriff Clint Coleville. You going after Walker, Rhett, or Easton next? I heard from Rose that Walker has itba-adfor you. Just so you know, Houston is off limits. I’m breaking out of my shy shell and chasing that ideal specimen the minute we both return to Coleville. Pray he doesn’t find anyone in Omaha.”

“You are too much. When have you ever been shy?”

There was a telling pause and then, “Only around Houston. I stinking can’t talk around him. I get all red and bumbling andargh! Anyway. Back to you. How does it feel when Clint touches you or looks at you?” Rose gave a dreamy sigh.

She got all flushed thinking about Clint touching or looking at her. “I’m going to wash my face and go to bed. I love you.” Lily picked up her suitcase and laid it on the bed, unzipping it.

“You suck. You know that, right? I’m calling you back tomorrow and the next day and the next day until you tell me all about this engagement and how kissing that tantalizing sheriff feels. Ooh. I got all tingly just saying that. Okay. Plan on nonstop phone calls. Unless you want to spill it right now. I do have a busy schedule, you know.”

Lily groaned. Daisy wasn’t kidding. She’d stick to her plan. “I just can’t right now.” She paused. Clint and Mark had been supportive and understanding. Could she tell Daisy? Soon but not tonight. “My brain hurts trying to process it all.”

“Well, process with me.”

It was tempting. Maybe tomorrow when Daisy hounded her again.

“Goodnight, sis.”

“All right. I get the hint. Love you. We’ll chat tomorrow.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”