She swayed on her feet. She would’ve fallen off the dock, but Clint steadied her with both hands wrapped around hers.
He held her gaze, and her throat was suddenly thick. Everything that had just transpired between them felt like an ethereal dream—nothing she could hold onto or call back.
“Lily.” His voice was scratchy and painful to listen to now. “You … me …” He shook his head, released her hands, then took off his cowboy hat and ruffled his hair. Putting his hat back on, he shook his head again. As if once wasn’t enough to ruin her dreams. “It’s a no.”
She tried to swallow but couldn’t. Tears sprang to her eyes and trailed down her cheeks. Her hopes were dashed to the wooden dock, buried in the deepest part of the lake, stomped on by his formerly alluring cowboy boots.
“Ah, Lily …” Clint reached out as if to wipe a tear away, his gaze now tender and still full of regret. His hand stopped inches from her cheek. He was probably remembering that a tear wiped away was what had gotten them into such a close and vulnerable position.
What if he had kissed her?
Warmth and agony warred within her at the thought of kissing him. She understood the tortured look in Clint’s eyes. She couldn’t kiss him. She was dating his brother. She and Miles didn’t have much of a relationship at this point, too much distance and time between them, but what did that matter? Miles was loyal to her, she knew he was, and without even knowing it, Miles protected her. She’d been loyal to him too.
And tonight, she’d almost kissed his tantalizing older brother. The sheriff. The man who should have ‘off limits’ tattooed across his forehead. At least for her.
She backed away.
Her foot met nothing but air. Off balance, unsupported, unloved, she toppled backward.
Clint reached for her. His hand brushed her arm, but her backward momentum carried her off the dock and down toward the water.
Freezing liquid greeted her. Her head went under, and she gasped at the shock of the cold water wrapping around her and stinging her skin. Darkness and cold desolation wrapped around her.
She pushed off the bottom and surfaced, sputtering and dripping and humiliated.
Steady hands found her thrashing form. They wrapped under her arms, anchoring her into stillness. Glancing up, all she could see was Clint. His handsome face and strong form overshadowed her and took away the fear.
She stared at Clint’s unruffled face as he plucked her out of the water and settled her onto the dock, wrapping her up in his arms again.
“Ah, sweetheart.” That tender, deep, husky baritone was back. “Are you all right?”
Lily gaped at him. She shivered. From the cooler night air and cold water or the thrill of him calling her sweetheart in that tone of voice … she couldn’t be certain what had her trembling.
He held her in his arms as she cuddled into him, dripping water onto him and the dock. The liquid ran down her face and pooled in her shoes. Her phone was probably ruined along with her keyless car entry.
All she could care about was Clint, worried about her, still so close, calling her ‘sweetheart’.
You … me … it’s a no.
She would hear those awful words in that raspy, pained voice for the rest of her life. Her spine straightened and despite the humiliation of falling in the lake, being a drowned rat, and not being able to get out of the awful situation with Dr. Hampshire by herself, she remembered who she was. Lily Lillywhite mighthave a comical name, but she was an accomplished nurse, a daughter and granddaughter who dealt with Dr. Hampshire rather than hurting her family, a woman who’d been loyal to a long-distance Navy SEAL for ten years. Yes, Clint was the most tempting man on the planet, but he wasn’t her man and she couldn’t let down her guard around him.
“I amnotyour sweetheart,” she managed, edging away from him and toward the middle of the dock. She could be stable and not fall in the water or against Clint’s beautiful chest again.
Clint released her and pushed out a frustrated breath. “I know that.” He shook his head and hit his clenched fist against his outer thigh. It was a move so Clint she wanted to just stand there dripping and watch him do it. “I apologize …” His jaw clenched and a muscle worked in it.
She was the one who should be sorry. She was the one in a committed relationship with his brother and she’d almost given into her longing for Clint. Even at this mortifying and uncomfortable moment, she found her hand longing to reach out and touch that strong jaw of his.
“Don’t apologize.” She held up a hand and then spun and sloshed off down the dock as gracefully as she could. The squelch of her wet shoes with every step was annoying and something to focus on besides her discomfort. Discomfort that had little to do with being soaking wet.
Clint followed her but said nothing. She yanked her phone and her keyless entry out of her scrubs’ pockets as she walked, holding the button down to power off the phone and blowing on the gadget in the hope the car would still open and start.
She got to the end of the dock and hurried across the grass and to the small parking lot. Clint shadowed her. Could this night get any worse? It was bad enough she’d been denied the kiss she’d always dreamed about, but to have to deal with knowing she’d also almost betrayed her faithful boyfriend, toknow Clint thought they were a ‘no’, and then to fall into the lake? Adding insult to injury.
She’d long let herself believe if she could only tell Clint how she felt, he’d support her as she broke up with Miles and then protect and love her forever. They’d marry and Dr. Hampshire would never dare cross the mighty Sheriff Clint Coleville. Even in Kalispell, Clint’s reputation was well-known and esteemed. Every dream had been dashed tonight, and knowing how incredible it felt to be in Clint’s arms, centimeters from a kiss, would only make life and a future without him more dismal.
Finally reaching her Maxima, she was relieved when it beeped at her and the lock clicked open. She grabbed at her door handle. Clint was right there, opening the door for her and holding it.
“Thanks,” she murmured.