Mark smiled. “Still talking about his ‘girlfriend’ Nurse Lily. Thank you for going to his school for career day.”

“Not a problem. He’s my favorite boyfriend, since the day he was born.” She smiled more naturally.

Clint had heard from Mark that Lily basically delivered Asher as the doctor hadn’t arrived in time.

“That little man is a charmer,” Klein said, pushing out his barrel chest. “Reminds me of myself back in the day.”

Clint watched the exchange and kept checking for someone escaping the house. What if the perp had gone out a back window and was halfway to safety while they sat here chatting?

“Klein. Will you stay with Lily while we check the house? Prank or not, we have to do a sweep if someone calls for help.” He gave Lily what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

She looked unsteady and he wished he could wrap her up again.

“Certainly, Sheriff. We all sure appreciate ya. But Lily, you should’ve called me or Bennett.”

“Well. You know Lily and I go way back.” Clint’s gaze searched hers. “I’m sure she was hoping for some alone time with her favorite sheriff.”

Her eyes widened, but she only smiled sweetly. “That’s exactly what I was hoping for.”

Her dad’s eyes lit up. Clint didn’t think Klein would mind swapping out one Coleville brother for another.

He was jumping way ahead of himself with that thought. It was Walker who planned to step into Miles’s place.

“Good,” he said. “After we check things out, you and I have a date.” He tipped his hat to her, hoping she knew he meant to get some answers. The idea of a date was far too alluring. He shouldn’t have used that term.

He turned before she could offer a rebuttal. “Mark. You scout around back and then come meet me inside.”

“Yes, sir.” Mark slid his pistol out and proceeded to the side of the house.

Clint held his Glock down, but the safety was off and he was ready for anything. Including the woman he’d always thought was loyal and honest to a fault hiding something huge from her family and maybe from him.

He scanned the walk and flower beds, the porch, and then he was at the front door. His gaze was captured by the poster over the fireplace mantle.

It’s time to choose, Lily Lillywhite.

Dump your boyfriend or I slit his throat.

We’re meant to be together.

I’m going to make you so happy.

His gut churned. He could understand why Lily said the man was ‘gross’. The poster was gross with weird undertones and the timing was intriguing. The regular media and social media had exploded today with photos and videos of Miles and Eva together. Was it connected? Miles had told him to watch out forLily but swore he didn’t know what the actual threat was, only that Lily was uneasy about something.

What was Lily hiding from all of them? And what boyfriend was this guy threatening? Miles? Nobody was slitting his brother’s throat. Miles could defend himself, but Clint would let him know to watch his back.

Clint forced his gaze away from the poster and focused on the door. No sign of forced entry. So the perp had the key, was able to pick a lock, or had come in somewhere else. He searched the living room on the right and the kitchen on the left, then walked back toward the two bedrooms and the shared bath. Mark arrived. Clint took the bedroom on the right. It was obviously the bedroom Lily stayed in with a closet full of clothes, including some of the dresses he’d seen her in. He had to force his focus away from the bed and imagining Lily stretched on it, her golden hair spread across the pillow.

Hurrying out of the bedroom, he went through the bath as Mark searched the other bedroom. The bathroom smelled like her. Lilies. There was even a bottle of some ‘Lily’ perfume on the counter. He loved that smell.

Turning back to Mark, he lifted his free hand. “Nothing.”

“And she doesn’t want her dad to know about that poster, I’m assuming?”

He nodded. “It’s no prank. Something’s off.”

“Definitely. No sign of forced entry either.”

“Can you do a search of the property while I talk to Lily alone?” If anybody could find footprints or tire tracks at a large ranch with bunkhouses overflowing with refugees and families in need, it would be Mark. He was a born hunter and tracker. His side job was as a hunting tour guide.