Her hero looked like a cool, calm, and impressive John Wayne, but he couldn’t be calling this monster’s bluff right now.
“My mom and dad,” she begged.
“I’ll do it,” Jacob threatened. “I killed Mary’s parents because she didn’t cooperate. You know I’ll do it. Let me go and I’ll let them live.”
“Please,” Lily begged Clint. She didn’t even know what she was begging him for. How could he reason with a madman? How could he save her and her parents?
Jacob stared at them for a beat—calculating, cold, evil. Sheer terror rushed through Lily. She tried to dodge around Clint. “Please, I’ll go with you,” she said. “Just don’t hurt my parents.”
Clint wrapped her up in one arm and pulled her into his chest, whispering against her hairline, “Trust me, Lily.”
What? Trust him? She did, but her parents …
“Let Lily come with me, and I’ll leave the detonator outside,” Jacob said.
“Not happening.” Clint was strong, brave, and in control, but what about her parents?
Suddenly Clint pushed her back toward one of the policemen behind them. The man grabbed her and held her fast. Clint leaped across the space and tackled Jacob.
Jacob held onto the device as they slammed into the floor. He somehow flipped it open and pushed the button.
“No!” Lily screamed.
Clint flipped the smaller man over and yanked his arm behind his back, bending it at an unnatural angle.
“Stop!” Jacob squealed and cursed, finally releasing the device. “At least I killed them!”
Tears streamed down Lily’s face. Were her parents dead? Was there any hope for a miracle?
“Unfortunately for you,” Clint said evenly, “my dad was able to get the Lillywhites out of their home twenty minutes ago, and because of his and Bennett’s service with the Green Berets, it was no sweat for him to disable your bomb.”
“No!” Jacob screamed.
Lily sagged against the man holding her, and his grip loosened.
“You all right, ma’am?”
Her parents were safe. Clint was here. She was better than all right.
Two of the policemen approached Clint and Jacob. “We’ve got him, Sheriff Coleville.”
“Appreciate ya,” Clint said. He stood, yanking Jacob up, and handing the man over.
The policemen pinned Jacob between them. “You have the right to remain silent,” one of them began. They hauled a flailing, cursing Jacob out the door.
Clint strode back to Lily. The other officer released her completely. Clint was the embodiment of ‘walking billboard of manly cowboy heroism’, but to her he was so much more than that. He was the man who would always come for her, protect her, and love her. The man she loved. He’d saved her family when she thought all hope was lost.
“Thanks for all the help, Sheriff Polland,” Clint said.
“Anytime,” the other sheriff guy said. He smiled kindly at Lily. “We’ll get her statement later.”
“I can take her statement,” Clint said, taking her in his arms and smiling down at her.
“A little out of your jurisdiction, but I’ll let it slide.” The man tipped his head to them and headed outside.
“Sweetheart.” Clint cradled her close, staring at her. “Are you all right?”