Clint came after her. She could feel him close behind her, but she didn’t stop. She flung her bedroom door open. Clint caught her around the waist, spun her, and pressed her against the wall. Her breath shortened and fire filled her at the depth of longing in his blue eyes.
“If I told you that I can’t stand the thought of you in another man’s arms, would you feel better?”
“Yes,” she shot back at him.
He leaned in close and growled against her lips, “Well, feel better.”
Their breath intermingled and his words made her stomach flip flop. She’d never heard anything so passionate and beautiful. Her anger disappeared, but she wasn’t certain if they were going to fight or kiss some more.
“Lily …” He softly brushed his lips over hers. “I’m gone over you, sweetheart.”
Lily sighed and arched up. He pinned her against the wall and made her mouth sing with warm, passionate kisses.
He drew back, pulling in fast breaths, and groaned. “Lily … I can’t do this to Walker.”
She blinked up at him. They were back to Walker?
Clint gently trailed his fingertips across her cheek and studied her face like it was a priceless work of art.
She captured his hand with hers. “Clint. Walker will understand.”
He pushed out a heavy breath and stepped back, releasing her completely. She leaned against the wall for support, weak and yearning for him.
“I gave him my word. Please. Just … give him a chance after we find the perp and you’re back to normal life. Then if you still want to date me, we can figure us out.” He shook his head and hit his fist against his leg.
She could tell the words made him miserable. She was miserable but also angry.
“I don’t want you to break your word to your brother, but if I’m not worth telling him how you feel and figuring things out with him, don’t bother calling me when this is all done.”
She whirled into the room and slammed the door before he could say anything.
Tears streaked down her face. She was head over heels in love with Clint, and he wanted her to let Walker have a chance to pursue her. She understood giving your word, but she obviously wasn’t special enough for him to stand up and tell his brother he loved her and resolve that issue.
The tears came faster as she realized what he’d said earlier. He’d loved Sheryl so much and the awful woman had broken him.
He would never love Lily like that.
Clint spentanother miserable night and forced his tired body out of bed at four a.m. to lift weights for an hour. It helped to push himself physically, but it didn’t alleviate any emotional anguish. Lily was the only cure for his longing, pain, and insomnia, and he had no idea how to tell her how deeply he loved her.
He was showered and waiting by her bedroom door when Lily walked out of her room at five-forty. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her lips plump, and her cheeks looked a little raw from their long kissing sessions last night. The diamond band was back on her left finger.
Ah, Lily. He hit his fist against his leg and tried to riddle out how to prove to her how important she was to him. She was everything to him.
“Good morning,” she said, then brushed past him and headed down the stairs.
He followed her, grabbing the cooler he’d packed in the kitchen while she grabbed a protein shake and a water bottle from the fridge.
The drive to the hospital was far too quiet. He turned on the radio to his favorite country station.
‘God gave me a girl, girl gave me a kiss …’
His eyes widened at the Russell Dickerson song, and he darted a glance to Lily. Her body was stiff as a board, and she didn’t look at him.
‘She gave me her hand, I gave her a ring.’