Then he was gone.
Lily studied the door. That second kiss had been even more powerful than the first. She touched her lips and sighed.
The only problem was Clint once again had acted as if he’d done it for the show or to prove a point. The connection and joy of their kiss didn’t seem to have affected him at all.
“Girl,” Nessa said from behind her. “Get over here and give us the deets. That was the hottest cowboy I have ever seen in my life. You moved on quick from your fine Navy SEAL.”
Lily pasted on a smile and turned to face her co-workers and friends. Clint was the hottest cowboy on earth, but she wanted him to be her cowboy. And she was more confused about his heart’s intent than ever.
Clint wasan absolute wreck by Sunday morning. He’d barely held it together in the cafeteria when he’d first fused his lips with Lily’s before lunch yesterday. Sparks and joy and every good thing had filled his mind, his body, and his heart when they’d kissed. He’d floated up to heaven.
Thankfully, he’d kept one toe on earth and used superhuman strength to break away and face Dr. Hampshire. The wuss had been terrified of him, that was obvious, but who knew what the doc was capable of. It was also obvious he thought he was the king of the hospital and could manipulate everyone for his gain.
Clint would make certain the doctor didn’t hurt Grandma Lillywhite. He’d have his brother Houston recommend a top cardiologist and have the other doctor on video chat during Grandma’s appointment.
When he’d kissed Lily the second time at the door of labor and delivery, he’d been even more blown away. Did Lily feel the same? He’d tried to play it cool and say something about no man daring to flirt with her now, but his heart had been flinging itself against his rib cage like a jack hammer and all he’d wanted to dowas carry her out of the hospital, speed back to his house, and kiss her for hours on end.
After work, she’d been quiet. He hoped she was just worn out from a long, busy shift and all the stress of Dr. Hampshire and whoever left that poster. He was ninety percent convinced it wasn’t Hampshire, though it would be easier if it was the doc. Who else was lingering out there, watching Lily, wanting her? Hopefully the fingerprints would give them a lead or the guy would try something else and reveal his hand.
Clint drew her out about her work as they drove home. She lit up as she talked about the miracle of birth and newborn babies. To hear her describe a wrinkled, puckered newborn, he’d think they were the most gorgeous humans on earth. His heart raced as he imagined the two of them having a precious baby of their own.
And that was sprinting to the finish line. He still had to find out if she loved him, and somehow be loyal to his brother and give Walker his chance with Lily like he’d said he would. Why had he agreed to that? His own loyalty to his word and his love for his brother demanded he not go back on what he’d said he’d do. Sheesh, he was in a jam.
When they got home, she excused herself to shower and didn’t come out of her room again. He ate some leftovers for dinner. By himself.
In the morning, he ate breakfast alone, hoping she’d come down and join him. At nine-fifty, he still hadn’t seen her. Now he was dressed for the ten o’clock service in his favorite dark gray suit and pale blue tie and pacing the loft area, waiting for her to appear. He didn’t like being late, especially to church, but for Lily he’d walk in halfway through the service and not mind one bit.
Her door opened. All the oxygen raced from his body. He teetered and felt lightheaded. Spreading his stance helped a bit.She was dressed in a fitted pale blue dress that highlighted her curves. Her golden hair fell in curls down her back. He was no expert on makeup or girlie stuff like that, but her eyelashes looked impossibly long and framed her dark eyes perfectly. Her lips were a soft pink, sparkling and begging him to capture them.
“Lily.” His voice was breathless like a wimpy man in love. He was—a wimp for her and in love. How could he be brave enough to tell her? He couldn’t yet. Maybe never. “You’re a vision.”
“Thank you.” Her gaze traveled over him, and he found his chest poking out. “You look very handsome.”
He was bursting to tell her how he felt, to storm up to her, pin her against the wall, and kiss her until she had no more makeup on and all her curls were mussed.
“We’d better go,” she said. “We’ll be late.”
She slipped by him, trailing that scent of lilies. He took a deep inhale and followed her like a well-trained dog on a leash.
They walked down the stairs, through the house, and out to his truck. He helped her load up, responding to her breathless ‘thanks’ with an even more breathless and husky, ‘my pleasure, sweetheart’. They arrived at church a minute late. He’d had a hard time focusing and had driven ten miles under the speed limit the half mile to the chapel, darting glances at her every twenty seconds or so.
As he rushed around to help Lily out of the car, he realized he hadn’t even put his dress hat on. He should feel naked. He couldn’t think of the last time he’d been outside without a hat, with the exception of trail runs. With the anticipation of Lily walking by his side, he couldn’t care less about a hat.
He swung open her door and reveled in the sweet smile she directed his way. She must’ve been tired last night, and that was why they hadn’t kissed the night away. They had all of Sunday afternoon to kiss and snuggle. Could he tell her how deeply he’dfallen for her? Would she reciprocate? The risk was high, but the reward would be high as well.
Could he push all the worries aside? The fear of pain worse than what he’d experienced losing Sheryl if Lily rejected him pulsed through him. The concern over Walker’s feelings and happiness and Clint’s loyalty to his word and as a brother nagged him incessantly. Was he taking advantage of this protection detail and Lily’s vulnerability in the situation?
Lily placed her hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his around her waist. He slowly lowered her to the ground. His gaze dropped to her lush, sparkly lips. He would’ve happily kissed her, not cared who was watching out the church windows, and missed the service.
“We’d better get inside,” she said, pulling her hands away.
Sharp disappointment bit at his insides. What had he done wrong? She was growing more distant, not closer like he wanted. It was wrong of him, but he placed his hand on the small of her back. She glanced sharply up at him but said nothing. He escorted her through the parking lot and up the church walk. The front doors and windows were open, letting in the beautiful late-August morning air to the chapel and sharing the chorus of voices singing ‘How Great Thou Art’ with everyone outside.
He walked through the open double doors with Lily. Maybe it was wrong but he slid his hand from her back to her waist, fastening her to his side. She gazed up at him. Her gaze wasn’t the loving look he needed. It was a question—what were his intentions?