Dr. Hampshire gave them an ugly look before rushing away. Lily relaxed against Clint. He was her hero a hundred times over. She couldn’t believe the way he’d just handled Dr. Hampshire.Would the man stand by his words not to bother her? She didn’t know if she believed it, but for the moment it felt like a win.
Clint grinned, his cheeks crinkling and his blue eyes making her heart race. “Mine too.” He bent down and grazed her lips with his. Even that simple touch set her mouth on fire. “Much better.”
He stayed close for a beat and then straightened and escorted her to a chair. “He’s gone. I think that show we just put on and my threats will convince him to stay away. Hope you’re hungry. Rhett brought us the entire store, I think.” He took his hat off and sat down next to her, resting his hat on his knee.
Lily was confused and trying to keep up. Clint had gone from the most romantic cowboy sheriff on earth to focused on the business of putting Dr. Hampshire in his place and lunch.
Show? Had that mind-altering kiss and his loving words all been for show?
Clint laid out a multitude of sandwiches, chips, and cookies, let her choose what she wanted, and then they ate. It was surreal. She’d assumed their kiss had bonded them together. He was acting unaffected, eating lunch as if nothing had happened between them, talking about her day and the different people she’d interacted with.
He finally lowered his voice and said, “I don’t like the way the anesthesiologist flirts with you. Do I need to chat with him like I did Dr. Hampshire?”
She laughed unsteadily and took a drink of her lemonade. “You can’t threaten every man who speaks to me.”
“Try me,” he said in a husky voice. The meaningful look in his blue eyes thrilled and confused her. Was he doing all this for show or was he falling for her? Heck if she knew. Was he going to threaten his brother Walker or step aside so Walker could date her?
“I don’t think Dr. Hampshire will be a problem any longer,” he said with a satisfied smile.
“He almost peed his pants.”
Clint chuckled at that, then ate a chip and shook his head. “I honestly don’t think he’s our guy. He was terrified of me, trying to be the big dog and control the situation, but he wasn’t hiding something or scared of being caught.”
“You think I’ve been making up all the subtle threats over the years?” Panic pressed against her chest. Clint had just threatened Dr. Hampshire and cut him down to size. What if he did something to her grandmother? “What if he hurts Grandma?”
“Lily.” Clint put his hand over hers and her fears settled. “I don’t think you’d make anything up. I’m just keeping my eyes and options open for our perp. I won’t let Dr. Hampshire hurt your grandmother. When is her next appointment?”
“In two weeks.”
“This should be resolved by then, but I’ll accompany whoever takes Grandma to the appointment. Just to make certain.”
“Thank you.” She never thought she’d feel sympathetic for Dr. Hampshire, but that appointment would be sheer misery for the man.
Clint nodded and pulled his hand away. They finished eating and cleaned up. He carried the extra food in one overstuffed bag and his hat in one hand. He took her hand with the other. “Can I walk you back to work?”
“Sure.” Lily didn’t know how to tell him no. If only she knew whether that kiss had affected him like it had her. He certainly wasn’t acting like it. She would never have been able to pull away from that kiss and she certainly wouldn’t be able to discuss anything else after a kiss like that.
They walked through the hall, up the stairs, and were buzzed into labor and delivery. He escorted her to her nursing station.Several of her friends were there. She introduced Clint and they all looked smitten as he shook their hands and said, “A pleasure,” in his deep voice every time.
After the introductions, he handed over the bulging sack of sandwiches, chips, and cookies, and they were all even more impressed. Then he turned to Lily and the look in his blue eyes made her legs feel wobbly. He tilted his head to the side, and she nodded, anticipation making her tremble. She’d walk him to the door and he would give her a kiss goodbye. Her stomach hopped and she prayed she’d read that look right.
They walked to the door. He turned her toward him with one hand and then ran that hand slowly up her back until he cupped the back of her neck. He exerted just the right amount of pressure as his head bowed and she arched up.
The kiss made time stand still. Nothing mattered but Clint. They were meant to be together; his delightful lips and the passion his kiss conveyed for her proved he felt the same. His kiss sealed her his and made her crave more of his kisses, his touch, his forever.
He pulled back and whispered against her lips, “Wow.”
She smiled tremulously. Wow was right.
“We’ve got an audience,” he murmured. “Word will spread, and no man will dare flirt with you now.” He released her and smiled. “See you in a few hours, sweetheart.”
“B-bye,” she managed.
He lifted his free hand to the group of six nurses lingering near the desk now. “Take care,” he said.
“Bye,” they all chorused.
Clint gave her one more meaningful smile and then pushed through the door. One of the nurses must have hit the button to release it as it opened for him.