If only he knew if Lily was as gone over him as he was over her. If only he had a crystal ball and could see if they would be together forever; then maybe he could explain to Walker that he and Lily were meant to be. He grunted in disgust at himself. He tried to live his life trusting in God and going forward with faith. Right now, his faith in his own judgment, Lily’s intentions, and all things working together for the good of those that loved and trusted Jesus was low.

Turning the deadbolt, he disarmed the security and opened the door partway. “Hey.”

Walker looked him over, his blue eyes revealing how upset he was. “Is she here?” he ground out.

Clint nodded. He’d informed his dad where he was and that he was helping Lily with a dangerous situation by pretending to be her fiancé and protecting her. They had enough on their plates at the ranch right now and his dad hadn’t asked questions. He knew Clint would share details when he could or when he needed their help or advice.

“How are things at the ranch?” he asked.

“Fine.” Walker looked him over, then took off his cowboy hat and shoved his hand through his hair. “Are you gonna let me in?”

“It’s a debate in my head right now,” Clint admitted. “You wanting to go the rounds?”

“It’s a debate in my head right now,” Walker shot back.

Walker was mild-mannered, had the slow grin, and was thoughtful, but Clint could see in his brother’s blue eyes that he was ticked. Walker thought Lily was meant to be his. How could Clint be loyal to his brother and to his own heart?

Clint stepped back and let Walker stomp past him, then shut the door.

He didn’t want to fight right now. He wanted to be kissing Lily.

As Walker turned to face him, he doubted he’d get any sweet kisses tonight. He thumped his closed fist against his leg. This was a mess.



Lily heardthe low rumble of male voices in the foyer. She quietly eased closer until her back was pressed against the closest kitchen wall. With the floating steps, they’d see her if she got any closer. Thankfully, the open steps allowed her to hear them more clearly.

She knew she wasn’t in danger with Clint here, but the tension radiating from the entryway was palpable. She recognized Walker’s voice.

“You just muscled your way in to protect her and do some ‘fake fiancé’ ploy,” Walker said in the angriest voice she had ever heard the easy-going roper use. Lily couldn’t have missed the longing looks Walker sent her way, and she knew he’d stopped by the ranch twice since she and Miles broke up. Walker was incredible, but it was Clint for her. How could she let him know that without hurting him?

“Why would you do that?” Walker asked.

“I’m sorry, man,” Clint said. “She needed protection and named me as her fiancé. What did you want me to do?”

“You could’ve had me do the fiancé bit. You’re busy enough with your sheriff duties, and you’re not interested in Lily like I am.”

Lily’s heart raced. Clint’s response would give her the insight she needed. He was interested in her. Right? He would’ve kissed her if Walker hadn’t arrived. He’d said he hoped she never found out what she’d do without him. Did that mean anything to him? Under his beguiling blue-eyed gaze, she’d felt those words, his touch, and the moment deeply.

A few beats passed and her stomach churned with anticipation and anxiety.Please let Clint proclaim his love for me and take all the guessing away.It wasn’t a fabulous prayer, but it was heartfelt.

Silence reigned. Were the men staring each other down? Close to coming to blows?

“I’m sorry,” Clint said again. “I should’ve thought of that. It all happened fast and where she’d named me personally to the guy we think is the perp, I had to roll with it.”

Lily’s heart sank. Clint was only with her because she’d named him, because of duty? She couldn’t quite believe that with the way he looked at her and touched her, but maybe she was deluding herself. Every woman swooned over Clint. Was she making a mountain out of a molehill because she’d longed for him for so long? Miles had admitted the night they broke up that he’d stayed with her because of loyalty and duty. Yes, she wanted Clint loyal to her, but she never wanted to be some ‘duty’.

“I understand,” Walker said. “I want her safe and I know you’ll keep her that way.” Another pause. “After this is all over … will you swear to give me a chance to let her know how I feel and see if she returns it?”

“Of course I will,” Clint said with no hesitation this time.

What? He was just going to roll over and let his little brother move in on her? She was his fiancée. They’d shared moments,and she was in love with him. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyelids. She blinked quickly to clear them. She’d have to face Clint to get up to her bedroom. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to face Walker too. It was obvious he had a crush on her, but that was all it was—a crush. She and Walker weren’t meant to be like she and Clint were.

Except, apparently, they were still a no.

She was the only one who thought they were meant to be. How depressing and humiliating.