When he’d proclaimed she was his fiancée, her brown sugar eyes had been warm and alluring. She’d appeared on board with the idea. Why had she protested and run out of the room shortly after Mark said they should get ‘hitched’? It was a brilliant idea. The doctor and anyone else who wanted to hit on her would never dare look cross-eyed at her if she were married to him.
She was used to men hitting on her. Of course she was. She was as caring, approachable, and impressive as she was beautiful.
Clint shook his head. He needed to focus on exposing the doc and keeping her safe from whoever had made that poster. She thought it was him who was in danger, but he didn’t think that was the case. What if it was Miles or Walker the perp had alluded to? He didn’t want to call his brothers with Lily sitting right here. That could be awkward for her. He did have someone he could call for help and a deep-dive on Dr. Hampshire, though.
“Do you mind if I make a phone call?”
“Not at all.”
“Obliged.” He pushed the button on his steering wheel. “Call Aiden Porter.”
“TheAiden Porter?” Lily asked, her eyes widening.
Clint chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.” He would be the last one to reveal his family’s involvement in high-level security and protection details. If he and Lily were actually engaged and not fake engaged, it would be something they’d have to discuss and swear her to secrecy on.
“Wow,” she murmured.
“Sheriff Clint,” Aiden greeted in his upbeat voice. “How are you? How’s the family?”
“Everyone is well, thank you. How are you and Chalisa?”
“Thankfully in the same time zone currently,” Aiden quipped. “Heaven for me.”
Aiden had homes and security centers throughout the world, but since the criminal Benjamin Oliver had escaped, he’d kept his wife Chalisa protected at her brother-in-law, General Kingston Magnum’s family palace, on the island of Magna off the coast of Spain.
“Glad to hear it. Hey, I’ve got a … friend here with me. Lily Lillywhite.”
“Rose Lillywhite Mason’s sister?”
“I’m honored, Miss Lily Lillywhite, and my compliments to your parents for your wonderful name,” Aiden said in his charming voice. “Major Bennett Mason is one of the most impressive soldiers and fighters I know. Your sister must be a sassy angel to have captured the gentle giant.”
“She is,” Lily agreed. “Nice to meet you, sir, and thank you.”
“Oh, none of that. It’s Aiden, please. What can I do for you?”
Clint caught Lily giving him an incredulous gaze. He should’ve waited on this call as well. Was he trying to show off that he had friends such as Aiden Porter? He grimaced inside. Maybe.
“Can you have your people run a deep dive on someone?” Clint had learned that Aiden and his team could get answersand insight that not even the law enforcement or FBI’s database could find.
“Of course.”
“Dr. …” He paused, realizing he didn’t know the man’s first name.
“Brad Hampshire,” Lily supplied with a bite to her voice. Her cheeks reddened as she clasped her hands together.
Clint really wanted to meet this Dr. Hampshire and explain a few things to the man.
“Got it. I’ll have them send over anything they find within the hour.”
“Appreciate it,” Clint said.
“Anything for the Colevilles,” Aiden said.
“Much obliged.”
“Chat soon.” Aiden hung up.