Page 14 of Yule Love Me

“Right. That.”

She eyes me, her gaze sparkling. “It’s not so fake anymore, is it?”

I sigh and close my eyes. “No. I don’t know what to do. I want him. I’ve always wanted him in some damn way. It’s a fuckingsickness. Did I tell you what I was doing the night the popcorn caught on fire?”

She sits up, her eyebrows lifted. “No! What were you doing?”

“I was pleasuring myself and thinking about him.”

She grins at me. “Oh, that’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. You’re bonkers, you know that?”

I fall back on the bed, groaning. “I know!” I wail. “I can’t believe that this is happening! Why is this happening?”

She leans into my face. “Because you’re in love with him.”

I shake my head and she nods. “Yes, you are. Why can’t you just admit it?”

“Because I don’t want to be,” I pout.

She giggles. “What are you, two? Come on. You’re in love. He’s in love with you. It’s all perfect.”

I open my eyes, shocked. “He’s not in love with me.”

She snorts. “Gimme a break! Yes, he is. He’s been in love with you forever.”

“He never said anything.”

“Why would he? You were doing your level best to argue with him about everything since you got back home. And even after you started working with him you kept avoiding him like the plague. What guy is gonna pop off with, “Hey, I know that you’ve been avoiding me and you can’t even be in the same room as me but I love you. I have always loved you.”

“Why not?”

She groans. “Uh…because he’s not a psycho!”

“Fine. I get it.” I roll my eyes. “But I still don’t think that the man is in love with me. He’s never said a word, never acted like it.”

“Fine. What are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. I freaking can’t stand it! Ineedhim! I want to lose this damn v-card! Why the hell won’t he fucking touch me?”

“Wow! You’re worse than kade and I.”

Glaring at her, I rip the pillow out and throw it at her. “Nobody’s as bad you two. I can’t believe that you were fooling around again in the store.”

“What do you want from me? I’ve got all these damn pregnancy hormones rolling around in me and he just looks so hot all the time.”

“It’s a good thing that he’s younger so he can keep up with your horny ass.”

She giggles. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“I’m not. I’m trying to point out that y’all are disgustingly happy and it’s pissing me off right now. I want that man more than I ever thought I could and he’s acting like a damn victorian virgin!”

Promise rolls over on the bed on her side, holding her tummy and just roaring with laughter. Miffed, I growl, “I’m glad that you find this amusing.”

She straightens up and smooths her face out. “Use that big brain of yours and seduce the man. He loves you. He wants you. All it’s gonna take is one tiny push and believe me! He’ll be all over you like a freaking cheap suit.”

Grimacing, I sigh. “Lovely picture. I’m just not sure that I can do that. Obviously I’ve never seduced a man.”

“It’s not that hard,” she giggles. “Well, okay. It is hard. But not hard to do. He’ll be hard.”