Nick leans back, crossing his legs over. “I knew that I was gonna do whatever I needed to do to keep her safe. So, her dying was not in the plan. But yes, I knew that Rosa would be kidnapped.”
Rosa starts to pace back and forth until she knocks her coffee to the floor. “Are you serious right now? So, I was basically your sacrificial lamb while you tried to take out your master plan on our parents and Vinny’s family? Do you realize that you could’ve made this so much easier by just telling the truth? Or maybe, I don’t know, taking me out of the country since you have so much money from Germany?”
I always knew Nick was calculated and he had no problem waiting in the shadows as long as he needed to. He is expressionless as Rosa continues to pile in on him.
“I suffered all of my life trying to figure out what the bigger picture was. I always knew there was a way out, but to know that you’ve just been lurking around watching me go through hell and back just to fulfill some stupid master plan? You’re just as bad as Vinny’s father!”
Nick is relentless though. He shrugs. “I’m not asking you to be thankful for what I did or even like me. But we’re all here, right? Things went exactly according to my plan, and we’re alive and well.”
Rosa’s nostrils flare. “My kids are missing, you asshole,” she reminds him. “They’re in the hands of some maniac and who knows what he’s capable of when he wants to get his way? You saw how willing he was to kill me in front of them.”
Nick grunts, a sign he’s getting frustrated. His fuse has always been short. “There is no way he would’ve killed you. He needed you alive.” Rosa picks up the coffee mug and dabs the spill with the blanket.
“Is this what life is like for you two? Always plotting and scheming until you find the next move?” Rosa stops cleaning the spot and glances up. “Let me tell you something, I have no intention of living my life looking over my shoulder. I have no intention of trying to plan my next master plan. I want to live anormallife. I want to walk down the street and get a cup of coffee, then go shopping at a flea market. I don’t care about being super rich or having a jet waiting for me with my name on it.” Rosa points the finger at me as tears fill her eyes.
“You of all people should know this about me, Vinny. I have my babies and we’re supposed to live comfortably. Either you find a way out of this, or we’re done for good.”
“Rosa, come on. Don’t be ridiculous. We have a plan—" I start to say, but I stop mid-sentence because I can see Rosa isn’t listening. She doesn’t care. When a mother loses her children, even for a second, nothing can console her. I would knowbecause when my sister died, my mother lost her mind. She was never the same again.
I sit back, looking over at Nick, who is staring at the coffee stain on the carpet. Rosa leaves the room taking the blanket with her. Once I’m sure she’s out of earshot, I continue.
“We have a responsibility to her. We need to do right by her.”
He nods slowly. “And to you, I suppose — since I’ve been lying to you all this time. I don’t know how you even wanna be in the same room with me. I’m a terrible person.”
I’m the last person who should point the finger at who’s the worst person in the room. I’ve done horrible things in my life. I’ve hurt people. I’ve been a liar, and a cheater. When I look at Nick, he’s just another version of myself.
“The only reason I choose to be good now is because I have Rosa and my boys. If I don’t have them, I’m nothing. And I think it’s the same for you. That’s why it’s up to us to finish this and make sure that she doesn’t have to suffer anymore.”
Nick doesn’t say another word but I know he agrees.
Being around Nick is weird now. The more I look at him, the more I see bits and pieces of my father. We look nothing alike, but I notice small things like the moles around his cheeks, and the small dimple above his lip. His eyes are different colors as well as his hair, but I can see the resemblance. Oddly, I feel closer to him. I can’t tell him that just yet though. I’m still angry. I’m so angry that I’ve kept to myself for the last two days. It’s hard to think straight when I don’t know where my babies are. Nick and Vinny have been up for hours, trying to plot how to best trap Toni. It all sounds like gibberish to me. I wish things could be much simpler, and I could return back to Mexico and forget all of this ever happened.
My only solace is sitting out on our balcony. Despite my dodges, Vinny finds me. He’s been doing a good job of getting me back to health as I go in and out of depressive moods.
“Figured you’d be here,” he says as he hands me a mug. I graciously sip the tea, noticing the sharp taste.
“What’s this one, today? Rosemary?” I ask sarcastically, already cringing at the tone in my voice. I don’t mean to be mad or angry with him. I’m just weary.
But he’s used to it. Vinny sits beside me, placing his hand on my thigh. “Just some good fennel seeds. My mom told me that my grandfather would make her drink plenty of this to get better sleep. Not only would her insomnia go away, but she’d wake up feeling refreshed.”
I nervously touch the sides of my face, embarrassed at how terrible I must look with my choppy hair and acne outbreak. Sleep certainly hasn’t come easy.
“You must think I look horrible,” I whisper. Vinny immediately pulls me into his lap, resting my head on his chest.
“I would never say those words to describe you. I think you’re beautiful and you’re the love of my life. Youaremy life. Which is why I have to take care of you during these times.”
The city is just starting to wake up and the cars are beeping below. It’s almost romantic watching the sunrise, as I lay on Vinny’s chest. I listen to his heartbeat, trying to match mine to his.
Vinny caresses my hair. “I know it probably doesn’t seem like it, but I’m doing everything in my power to get our family back together.”
I don’t have anything to say. I’m scared of the terror that finds me in the middle of the night; it doesn’t let me rest well. Instead, I reply, “I trust you, Vinny.” The last thing he needs to know is that I’m scared that he can’t follow up on his word. That’s just a tiny fear deep down in my heart. My hope is that over time it’ll go away.
“We’re ready to strike,” Vinny says after a while.