Rosa laughs bitterly. “You don’t know my parents.”

“I know those fuckers love money,” I remind her. I’ve been stalking them with Larry for the last six years. Rosa was just the last-minute puzzle piece.

But Rosa doesn’t seem to care anymore. She rises from the table. “You can take me back to the room now.”

My stomach makes knots. But I gesture for her to follow me, and I watch pitifully as Rosa walks pass the window. The leaves are starting to fall as summer comes to an end and it makes the outside look just as barren as the empty bedroom.

“If you need anything—” I start to say.

“Just close the door and leave me alone,” Rosa cuts in.

Right, because I still kidnapped her,I think to myself as I shut the door. Even if it’s just a job, I feel on edge. This wasn’t what I planned for.

The prison is just as grim as our childhood home growing up. The off-gray color makes my eyes hurt and the call room smells like piss. Unfortunately, it’s the only place I can catch up with Larry. Larry graces the room with his huge presence. Like the rest of us, Larry is a huge guy standing at 6’ 6” with tattoos covering half of his body. He is pulled from the Montoya side with dark, almond eyes shadowed by thick brows, and a square jaw. I’m the only one who has the Italian side’s blue eyes and dimples. Still, out of all the siblings, Larry is the one who I turn to when I feel the world’s stacked against me. Especially after I screwed up.

This major screw-up is why Larry is in prison in the first place. I’m shocked to see him sitting down in front of me without anger.

“Larry?” I say on the phone.

He picks up the phone and answers with a gruff, “Little bro.”

“I know I’m the last one you wanna see here,” I begin.

“I get an hour of freedom, Vin. The rest of the twenty-three hours are spent inside solitary. So, save me your guilt. I wanna hear good news,” he says.

I swallow hard. “I…got the girl.”

His brows shoot up. “Newton?”

I nod. “Just waiting on what to do next.”

Larry smirks as joy brightens up his entire demeanor. “Little bro, you don’t need direction. Remember, this is your thing now. Do what I would do and let me worry about Pops.”

I laugh but deep down, I know I can’t. Not after how I felt with Rosa today.

“I never laid a hand on a female,” I remind Larry.

“Give yourself three days and finish the shit,” Larry whispers into the phone. “Listen, you wouldn’t have to worry about it if I was out. But we all know why I’m in here.”

My skin feels hot. “You don’t have to worry about it, bro. I’m gonna fix it.”

Larry nods and exhales. “I really hope you mean that, Vin. Because if not, I don’t know how you’ll get out of this one.”

He’s right. I’m just as vulnerable as my captive. I can’t let him see that though.

“I got this,” I say before hanging up the phone.



The phone call with my parents killed any hope I had of getting out of this thing alive. The next day dwindles by and Vinny becomes unusually nice. He allows more time out of my room— and do I detect a note of sympathy when I don’t get an answer, or get my dad saying they don’t have the money? I think he starts to catch on that my parents aren’t reliable sources.

I wake up the following morning with several bags surrounding the bed. I panic until I spot a leopard print dress inside one of them. Cautiously. I stick my hand inside and am surprised to find that each bag is full of clothes. I jump out of bed and toss the clothes out. After sorting through them, I find fifteen dresses, ten tops, six miniskirts, four pairs of shoes, and two pairs of pants that look too big. I stare at the door with a lump forming in my throat.

He's gonna kill me,I admit to myself. This has to be some weird equivalent to a last meal in prison. This Vinny character is trying to paint himself as a nice guy before I’m brutally murdered. Tears well in my eyes and I sink to the floor. I hate the room and expensive clothes just as much as I hate my parents for getting me involved. I never wanted any of this.

A brisk knock makes me jump. The door unlocks and Vinny slowly opens the door. He grins at the sight of the clothes.