“Well, I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you,” Nick chimes in. “You do realize why we’re here?”

“You have a vendetta for me, is that it? Fine. If you wanna kill me, do it. But that won’t solve all of the different connections.You’ll have to track down thousands of other criminals just to get to the root of all this mess.”

Rosa and I exchange confused glances. “What exactly are you telling us?” I ask.

He looks over his shoulder as if someone could be listening. “I’m saying that if you want out, I can get you out. You took your dad out and that alleviates your ties to this business.”

Rosa shakes her head. “What about me? What about my kids?”

He gawks at Rosa. “Kids?” he exclaims. “I thought that was a rumor.”

“I have two boys and I owe it to them to give them a good life. I would think that you would owe it tometo protect me for once, but this stuff keeps following me,” Rosa admits as a tear slips down her cheek.

He hangs his head in shame. “I’m not proud of the decisions your mother and I made. Especially not when it comes to you and Nick. But the Montoya clan is the one that had the most power over the situation. All other cities belong to me which means that I get the final call.”

“Meaning what?” I ask sharply.

He rolls his sleeves up. “I’m saying you have my blessing that you will be safe. Wherever you go.”

“I don’t believe you, nor do I trust you,” Nick says.

Ralph rolls his eyes. “Fine. You’ll have my blessing if you come with me to one last meet.”

Of course, there’s always something more with Rosa’s dad.

“I don’t like doing deals like this. Unless it’s written on paper, anything can go with you,” I hiss.

“I want to do right by you two,” he says, ignoring me. “Besides, I need them to see that I have powerful blood next to me.”

Rosa hesitates as she looks over at Nick. For the first time, I see a pause in Nick’s face.

“You two are actually considering this, right?” I chuckle nervously. Rosa tightens her grip on the hem of her mini dress. She narrows her eyes at Ralph.

“If you’re lying, we’ll kill you on the spot,” she says through gritted teeth. He holds up his hands and signs a cross over his heart.

“I just want my grandkids to have a good life,” he answers sheepishly. Nick takes the remaining, half-full glass and chucks the wine into his dad’s face.

“Don’t push it, asshole,” he says. The club has eyes on us as we try to settle down. I nudge Nick, throwing him a look.

“Give us a time and place so we can get this thing over with,” I demand.

“Rumi’s Hotel parking lot,” he mutters as he stands up and throws a fake smile towards a passing guest. “Be there at 9.” I watch in silent fury as he rushes back into the crowd. I have so many thoughts racing through my head but Rosa calms me as she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Trust me, I have a plan,” she mutters. I can only hope her plan is solid.



My dad is a criminal but there are always ways to take him down. With my own family and livelihood on the line, it’s time to take on the Newton family traits.

“I don’t want you to come,” I tell Nick. He’s confused, mainly because he’s secretly hoping to ambush my dad. Well, his dad, too.

“Are you insane, Rosa? Your…uh, our dad is not the kind of guy you try to outsmart,” he explains. “I’ve been studying him for years. He’s a trickster. It’s probably how he weaseled his way into working with the Montoyas in the first place.

I know that man better than anyone. He can lie right through his teeth but he has a weak spot. Plenty of them.

“I grew up in the house with him. I’m the better one to go in,” I press. “Besides, Mom isn’t with him. He’s hopeless without her whispering in his ear.” I can tell I have convinced Nick. He sighs and sits back down on the paisley comforter in the motel room that all three of us are crammed into.