The way Nick is staring at me makes my skin crawl. “I don’t have anything for you.”

Nick scoffs. “Do you have any idea how unnatural that would be for me?”

I gasp. “You… don’t like women?”

His face gets serious, and for a moment I expect him to hit me in the head with the coffee pot. But he breaks into laughter, filling the kitchen with his hyena laugh.

“Oh, you’re funny, Rosa. I see why he keeps you around,” Nick teases. My heart is still pounding in my chest. The stress of Nick being around for a full week is agonizing.

“Is he actually keeping me around or—” I start to say.

“Stay positive, Rosa,” Nick cuts in. “Positivity is how I survived the army.” His eyes are flat but he’s smiling. “You of all people should know how to see the good in the worst situations.”

So, he knows who my parents are?I figure Nick knows all the dirt given his close proximity to Vinny’s family. I’m almost too afraid to ask, though. My parents are guilty of a shitload of crimes but I don’t feel the need to ask any further.

Vinny comes home close to eleven. He’s obviously drunk as he slurs his words. Nick jumps to action and plops Vinny on the couch.

“Get his boots,” Nick orders. I reluctantly hurry over and untie Vinny’s shoes. I can smell beer radiating off Vinny’s clothes, and it reminds me of my dad. There were many nights my mom and I would have to make sure he didn’t choke on his vomit. It could be me secretly being pregnant, but my emotions well inside me before I realize I’m crying.

Nick stops. “He’ll sleep it off.”

I wipe my face, feeling like an idiot. “It’s just my period.”

Nick nods his head and grabs a blanket from the couch across the living room. “He’s not doing good. He hasn’t done this in a while.”

“Probably agonizing over how he’ll kill me,” I mutter. Nick sits on the floor, studying me like I’m an old book.

“Rosa, you’re not going to die. Not by Vinny’s hand at least,” Nick says.

“Then why are you here?” I press.

“He requires guidance,” Nick continues. “You don't know how bad he’s had it. Especially after Larry got put away. He’s all alone and I’m afraid he’ll be the one to get himself killed.”

I sit next to Nick, placing a pillow between us. “The first time you visited… you know…when I was in the basement?”

Nick shrugs. “Yes?”

“What did you say to him? He was different when he came to get me,” I say. Nick takes a deep inhale. When he exhales, he shakes his head and frowns.

“Rosa, there’s certain things you shouldn’t ask,” he says.

“Nick, I need to know what’s happening to me. I’m sick of being in the dark,” I hiss. “Is Vinny spiraling because he doesn’t have the balls to do what his dad wants?” It’s obvious Vinny is a guilty son. I see it as clear as day.

“The Montoyas are hard to read. Even I can’t see through them. But Vinny’s father has specific plans. Big ones. He needs everyone on board and if that means through violence, he doesn’t care,” Nick says.

He’s not going to tell me the real truth. Only bits and pieces.

My chest still feels heavy. I watch as Vinny’s chest rises and falls. Nick awkwardly reaches over the pillow and pats my shoulder.

“One day at a time, Rosa,” he says.

“Hard to do when every day is the same,” I remind him.

“Then, maybe tomorrow will be different,” Nick chirps with fake enthusiasm.

“Will you be gone?” I ask, hoping to hear a “yes”. Nick grins and wags his finger in my face.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Nick replies with a smirk. Nick pulls himself off the floor, starching his arms above his head.