Page 4 of Ghost

Just in time to interject his opinion on this, Memphis strolled into the room and asked, “Going back on what?”

“We were just discussing your mother.”

“Aw, yeah. I just saw her storming into her room.” Memphis walked over and grabbed a soda from the fridge. “What’s got her panties in a twist?”

“She’s wanting to leave.”

“Well, that’s not happening any time soon.”

“Yeah, that’s what I told her.” Prez shook his head. “But you know your mother. Damn, she’s stubborn.”

“That’s putting it lightly.” Memphis came over and sat down at the end of the table. “You know, if she’s so eager to go, you could let her go stay with Aunt Janice for a while. Just until the dust settles.”

“Hmmm.” Prez grumbled under his breath.

“I know she can be a bit much, but she’s all the way out in California. Mom would be safe with her, especially if we take her credit cards away and give her some cash and a new identity. Hell, for that matter, send a prospect with her.”

“She isn’t going to like having a babysitter.”

“Well, that’s too damn bad. This could be her ticket out, and she can either take it or leave it.”

“You’ve got a point.” He thought for a moment, then said, “I’ll have Zeke drive her out there tonight, and he can stay out there with her for a couple of weeks and see how it goes.”

“Good deal. The break will do you both some good.”

“No doubt.” Preacher leaned back in his chair and announced, “While I’ve got you here, I got a call from Viper this morning.”

“Something up with the run?”

“You could say that.” Prez leaned back in his chair. “When you go, you’re gonna be bringing back more than this month’s take. You’re going to have some company with you.”

“Come again?”

“Viper needs us to look after a girl and her son for a while.”

“Seriously?” Memphis groaned. “Don’t we have enough going on?”

“Viper helped us when we were in a pinch, so we owe it to him. Besides, it sounds like this girl could really use our help.”

“She in trouble or something?”

“She’s got something going with an ex. Some kind of stalker issue, and she and her kid need a place to hide out for a while.”

“This guy hurt her?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty bad. Viper will explain everything tonight when you guys get to the Manor.”

“Got it.”

Prez turned to me and Goose as he said, “We got no idea what this ex might pull, so I’m putting you two in charge of keeping an on eye on them. Make sure they have what they need, and neither of them leaves the premises without one of you with them.”


After Goose and I finished eating, we headed out to the garage with Memphis. We spent a few hours working on his carburetor, and then we started preparations for our run. We gathered our weapons and extra ammo, then cleared the storage compartment beneath my backseats. It was a modification Memphis and a couple of the brothers had made to the truck a few months back. It enabled us to hide several pounds of product securely, and with the scent-lock storage containers, we wouldn’t have to worry if we got pulled over on the way back.

I gave everything one last scan, then announced, “Looks like we’re all set.”

“Then, let’s get moving.” Memphis started for the passenger door. “I have a beautiful woman waiting at home for me.”