“You sure I can’t convince you to stay?”
“Nah, sir.” Louie shook his head. “I gotta get back. I have folks to see about.”
“We can take you to see your folks and bring ya back.”
Big Louie was a local homeless man who spent the better part of his night in the back alley of the Vault—a strip club owned and run by the club. He was there the night of the drive-by shooting that took out Little Nix and had taken a bullet trying to save him. He’d been recovering at the clubhouse, and he was finally back on his feet. We were all hoping he’d consider staying, but he wasn’t having it.
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m a rambling man. I ain’t one to be tied down.”
“I understand.” Prez gave him a pat on the shoulder. “But know you always have a place here if you need it.”
“Yes, sir. You’re a good man.”
“You’re the good one.” Emotion filled his eyes as Prez told him, “You put your life on the line for one of my boys, and that’s not something I will soon forget.”
“Just did what he would’a done for me.”
He was right. Little Nix might’ve just been a prospect, but he was a good kid who would’ve put his neck on the line for anyone he cared about, including Big Louie. Prez gave him a nod, then turned to me and Goose. “You two mind taking him?”
“Yeah, sure thing.” I reached down and picked up the backpack we’d put together for him as I asked, “Where we headed?”
“You can drop me off at the bus station.”
I wasn’t surprised by his response. The bus station was a big hanging spot for a lot of the homeless around town, and I felt certain he had folks there who would be happy to see him. Louie followed us outside and out to the truck, and when he got inside next to me, I couldn’t help but smile.
Louie was a big dude, and while he was a great guy and I’d always thought a lot of him, he didn’t always smell the best. In fact, there were days when he was quite foul, but today, he was not only smelling good and clean, but he looked the part as well.
The brothers had gathered up all his belongings and laundered everything he owned. They also threw in a few extra things to see him through the long, hot summer. We wanted to do more, but Louie wouldn’t allow it. He might’ve been down on his luck, but he was prideful and wasn’t looking for a handout—especially from a man he respected like Prez.
When we got to the station, Louie hopped out and grabbed his bag. He gave us a warm smile as he said, “Appreciate the ride, boys.”
“Anytime.” Before he closed the door, I shouted, “If you need us, you know where to find us.”
“That I do!” He closed the door and waved. “I’ll be seeing ya!”
Moments later, he vanished into the crowd, but I wasn’t worried. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d made his rounds and would be back in our alley, watching over us as we worked.
We hadn’t been sitting there long when Goose turned to me and said, “Hard to see him go.”
“Yeah, it is.”
“You think he’ll be okay?”
“No doubt in my mind,” I scoffed. “Hell, it’s Big Louie. Nothing’s gonna get him down.”
“Hope you’re right.”
“Me, too.” I put the truck in drive, and as I pulled out of the parking lot, I asked, “What do you got going on today?”
“Not much. I figured I’d head back to the clubhouse and grab a bite to eat. Maybe change out that carburetor that’s been giving Memphis trouble.”
“You need a hand?”
“If it’s your hand you’re offering, then hell yeah.”
“It’s all yours.”