I don’t need Kian to tell me that I am facing the King of the Central Alliance.
However, he’s the only one who can save my mother, so I’m going to have to play nice here.
I don’t get the opportunity to speak first.
“The Queen of the South Alliance,” Alpha Cyrus says in a booming voice. “I heard you were crowned just a few weeks ago. Congratulations on your ascension.”
“Thank you,” I reply, trying not to show how intimidated I feel. “I came here to ask you for a favor…”
“I am aware. Kian told me that you are here to beg for the cure to save my unfilial daughter’s life. I’m afraid you have made thisjourney for naught. I will not provide the cure for Grace. She has made her choices and now she must live by them. Or die.”
Everything inside me goes still at his words.
“Your daughter?” I breathe, my heart pounding out an uneven beat. “You’re my grandfather?”
He smiles at me. “Welcome home, child. You took your time in coming here.”
Chapter 15
Fury is an emotion that's not uncommon to me. But this time it takes a different form.
My body feels cold as ice inside.
"You refuse to help my mother?" I stare at him as if the words don't make sense to me. "She's dying."
"Your mother turned her back on our pack," Cyrus tells me arrogantly. "She knew the consequences for her actions."
"She fell in love." My voice is quiet as if I don't quite trust myself to speak louder.
“She already had a mate appointed for her.” Cyrus sounds dismissive. “She knew the rules. She was the Silver Wolf. She had a duty…”
“So, she was a broodmare in your eyes.” I meet my grandfather’s eyes, disgust filling my heart.
His expression tightens. “She was my daughter. I was doing what was best for her, what has been done for all the Silver Wolves before her. You may not understand, since you are but a child, but the Silver Wolf is a rare breed. They have to bemaintained. They have to birth one single child. It is important to vet who the sire of that child will be…”
I smile now, coldly. “So, a broodmare as I said, then. Isn’t that what is done to horses? Pick a stud. Let it fuck the mare, regardless of her wishes. Dogs are also bred that way. My mother’s purpose in life was to let herself get impregnated by any male you saw fit to breed to her. Her feelings, her desires were irrelevant.”
Cyrus studies me, his expression growing cool. “It seems you have inherited your mother’s willfulness. No mind. Once you adapt to your new life here, you will soon realize that I know what is best for you. I’ll be more stern with your upbringing, considering the dirty blood that now taints my bloodline.”
“My upbringing?” I stare at him. “Am I missing something here? I came here to get the cure to save my mother. I’m not here to stay.”
Cyrus blinks, looking genuinely surprised. “What do you mean? Of course you’re going to stay. You’re the Silver Wolf. You need to be taught about your heritage and we need to find you a suitable mate.”
“I already have a fated mate.” I point toward Alex, who is growling under his breath at this moment.
My grandfather looks amused. “That pup? No, Kian would be a much better mate for you. The two of you will produce a strong child…”
“I wouldn’t touch Kian with a ten-foot pole,” I say, pleasantly. “No offense, Kian. I’m sure you’re a lovely person.”
Kian lowers his head, looking awkward.
My grandfather looks irritated. “Children shouldn’t be making such decisions. Keon was already chosen to be the mate for the next Silver Wolf. Your current mate is not up to the standards…”
“What part of fated mate do you not understand?” I stare at him. “The fates have decreed that we are meant for each other so who are you to interfere in that?”
“I am your grandfather!” Cyrus thunders. “I do not recognize this union. We will send your mate back. And I will have the bond between the two of you broken…”