“Logan, let’s…”
Alex gives me a sharp look. “Surely he doesn’t need to come with us.”
I stare at my mate in confusion which turns into irritation. “Give us a minute, Logan.”
Logan walks away from us to give us some space. Turning on Alex, I demand, “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you treating him like dirt?”
“I don’t trust him.”
“He saved our lives, Alex. This can’t be about Tina. Don’t tell me this is about…”
“It’s not about her. I just don’t like the way he looks at you.”
I gape at him. “What? How does he look at me? He’s been nothing but nice to me.”
“And that doesn’t bother you? He’s so partial towards you. It’s more like he simply wants to follow you around.”
I want to rip my hair out and scream. “What exactly are you jealous of? You are my mate. There’s nobody else I want to look at. Nobody can get between us, Alex. So whatever is reallybothering you, just spit it out. Don’t make this journey harder on me than it already is.”
Alex’s jaw tightens. “How do you not see it? His eyes are always following you. He wants something from you. I cannot allow him to…”
“Stop.” I lift my hand in the air. “Just stop. Alex, he’s not obsessed with me. He barely knows me. He’s paying off his blood debt, and once we get out of this place with the cure for my mother, it will be paid. We will part ways. You don’t seem to understand that we have no way of navigating the Central Alliance without him. He has some idea of where to go. Even though he says he doesn’t entirely remember, can’t you see that he seems to figure out where to go quickly? It’s almost as if he’s walked these lands before. His body and instincts seem to know where to go. You and I have never been here. He probably has, which is why he’s remembering all these things. We just need to get the cure. Can’t you just bear him till then?”
Alex opens his mouth and I sigh, heavily. "Please, Alex."
He doesn't look very happy about it, but agrees. "Fine. But once we get the cure and leave this place, you'll cut him loose."
My shoulders relax.
“Fine.” That’s some level of compromise, at least. I’ll take what I can get.
* * *
If we thought we would get the opportunity to rest, we’re proven wrong. We’ve only just reached the first human village on themap, when soldiers wearing white uniforms surround us. It’s almost as if they had been waiting for us.
One of them has stripes of blue in the sleeves of his uniform and is clearly in charge, and he steps forward. “Why is the Queen of the South Alliance attempting to invade the Central Alliance?”
So they already knew we were here.
“Does it look like I’m invading anything?” I asked, sharply. “With what army? I simply wish to have a meeting with the leader of the Central Alliance. It’s a matter of urgency.”
The man shakes his head. “Our king does not take visitors. Turn around and leave. You have wasted your time.”
I take a step toward him. There’s no way in hell that I am taking no for an answer. “I am also the Silver Wolf. That means I have every right to request an audience with your leader.”
The shifter exchanges a look with his soldiers, doubt in his eyes.
“If you already knew who I was, you must know what I am.” I stare at him.
“Prove it,” the shifter says, tightly. “If you are indeed the Silver Wolf, then I will escort you and your companions to the Silver Mist Wolf Pack.”
I’m hungry, tired, and irritable. But the only way to get these soldiers to cooperate is to prove my identity to them. Why does everything have to be such a hassle?
I let my wolf come forth and in a shimmer of light, I stand before the soldiers in my wolf form, huffing.
Their faces go slack in shock, and this time when the soldier in blue and white speaks, there is reverence and respect in his voice. “You can shift back. We will take you to our king.”
Relieved, I shift back into my human form “I don’t have time to waste. I have to speak to your leader as soon as possible. My mother’s life hangs in the balance.”