We look through the rubble and although most of everything we find has been destroyed by the mercenary, we do manage to recover some clothing and the rock. It's cracked, but it might still be usable.
I end up giving the one extra set of clothes I have with me to the man. He’s become silent.
I can read the desire in my mate's eyes to take him with us, but I'm not going to take the chance.
"Come on." I take her hand and pull her behind me. "We have to get going."
"Alex." Sophia's voice is soft and pleading. "Look at him. He's got no one."
It's not like I don't have a heart. We could probably drop him off in pack territory but… I turn to face my mate at the edge of the forest, my tone grim. "Sophia, can you afford another betrayal? What if he sabotages our journey? What if your mother suffers as a result? Will you be able to live with yourself?"
When she turns pale, I press. "We don't know this man. He might recover his memories and choose to see us as enemies. He's dangerous and he's a mercenary. We don't know whether the witches have fucked with his head. He could turn on us at any moment."
She lowers her gaze and I feel like a monster.
"I know you're worried about him, but he'll survive. Your mother is the main focus for now. We cannot allow any further distractions."
"You're right," she whispers hollowly. "I know you're right. I just feel horrible leaving him alone like that."
"I know you do, but he's a grown man. He'll figure it out. Trust me. Now come on. We have a lot of time to make up for."
Looking over my shoulder at the remains of the ruined village, I hope this is the last time we see that man.
Chapter 13
Alex’s mating mark has made all the difference.
I now feel how I thought I would feel after being mated. This strength and confidence that runs through me makes me exhilarated. I feel stronger than ever. We have also picked up speed.
It’s been a few days since we left the village, and there have been questions eating at me. It’s obvious to me now, that Robert deliberately changed the maps to hide that village. But why? Surely he knew about the existence of the village long before. What was he trying to hide that he felt he needed to change the map out of nowhere?
Also, why was that man imprisoned? What were the witches doing to him? Who were those bodies buried in the fields? And what did those witches want from me?
I doubt I will ever get the answers to these questions. Some mysteries are destined to remain unsolved. What does bother me the most though, is the shifter I saved. I can’t get his image out of my head. He saved my life, and how did I repay him? I am abandoned him. He was already feeling so alone, and we were the only two people around him. We could’ve taken him with us, but then again, Alex had a point.
My judgment about people isn’t exactly stellar.
He had watched us leave. He hadn’t asked to come with us, but I had seen the longing in his eyes. The man had a gruff demeanor, but he had been kind when speaking to me.
Little wolf, he had called me.
My lips curve. It seemed like a term of endearment that one would use for a child.
Strangely enough, I didn’t mind it.
I hope that once we are able to save my mother, I can bring him to the pack. It’s not necessarily true that everybody who crosses paths with me has bad intentions. If I start thinking that way, how will I ever trust anybody?
It’s with these thoughts whirling around in my head that we reach the border of the Central Alliance. The rock in my hand begins to vibrate and heat up slightly.
"This means that we're close, isn’t it?” Alex studies it intently.
“Does it?” I lift it in the air, my tone doubtful. “This was supposed to get us through the terrain. We've only just reached the border. Shouldn’t it calm down a little?”
“Here.” Alex holds out his hand. “Give it here. You just don’t know how to use it.”
I give him a scathing look. “Yes, because you have so much experience using rocks to guide you through mountains. How silly of me.”