Her smile is gentle with a hint of sadness. “It wasn't easy for your father and me to come here. But we knew you needed us, and we couldn't fail you one last time."

I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder and I look behind me; there’s nobody there.

“This is a dream, isn’t it?”

I lay my head on my mother’s shoulder, feeling like my heart is going to rip apart, voicing what we both know will not easy.

“I would prefer to call it a short meeting till we meet again.” My mother kisses my forehead, soothing my hair back. “Your father and I raised a strong boy who we are very proud off. And your mate sounds like a wonderful person. I’m so happy you found somebody who adores you so much.”

"Does it make me a horrible person for not wanting to wake up from this dream?” I whisper brokenly.

Her arms come to wrap around. Me. “No. But right now, your Sophia needs you. She’s struggling without you.”

My mother takes my face in her hands, forcing me to look at her. “She is your other half in every sense of the word. The Silver Wolf is an incomplete being. You complete her. Don’t ever forget it. You are her strength, her protector, her guardian. Your bond is not complete yet. And it’s hurting her. It’s going to hurt you as well.”

I seize her hands, confused. "What?”

The heavy grip on my shoulder appears once again and when I look up, I see my father standing behind me. "It’s time for us to go, son. It’s time for you to go as well. We’re proud of you and everything you have done."

My mother’s lips press against my cheek, and slowly before my eyes, the garden begins to disintegrate till there’s nothing but the darkness and the lingering scent of my mother’s favorite perfume in the air.

I stay frozen in place, my throat clogged with emotion. I only got a few minutes with them, but those minutes meant the world to me. I press the heels of my hands against my eyes, my breathing rough.

The darkness around me is suffocating. I finally look around, recalling my mother's words.

Sophia needs me.

But where am I?

I have to be dreaming. But how do I wake up from this dream?

Out of nowhere, I feel a pulse of urgency, an acrid fear that's not my own. A call for help.


Something is wrong.

I search for the bond between us that is always throbbing inside of me, almost like a second pulse.

It's still there but it’s faint.

Alarm bells go off in my head. The last time it was this weak was when we faced the dark witches Karina sent. What the hell is going on? Why is Sophia so weak? And where is she?

I have to wake up!

However, no matter how hard I try, it's as if there is something blocking me from getting out of this darkness. My wolf is fighting against something I can't comprehend. It's not paying attention to me. I can't get a hold of it.

The desperate cry for help rings out again.

Growling, I feel for the thread of my mate’s consciousness inside me. I can see it when I close my eyes. The glow around the thread is fading, its thickness disappearing. It's now a fine thread, on the verge of breaking. Without thinking, I grab on to it.

My strength flows through me and I see the thread pulse.



I see the glow returning to the thread but it fades soon enough. I don't know what I've done, but when I try it again, I realize that it's just a temporary measure. The thread shows a hint of strength before fading back.