I nod, sticking my hands in my pockets.

I've not built any sort of close friendships with the alphas of the North alliance. They had all kept an eye on me, but also kept me at a distance, not wanting to incur Karina's wrath. However,once they realized that I had begun to rebuild my pack, they offered assistance on small matters. It was an acknowledgment of my efforts. I never held them responsible for turning a blind eye all these years. After all, Karina had everyone by the balls.

I hadn't expected Dorian to stick his neck out for me, even now. The fact that he did has me grateful to the Alpha. He's made it easier for me to regroup my people. Since we will have to leave for the north, I've sent some of my soldiers along with Dorian’s people to let them know about the change of plans. They’re all set to convene on the border between the North and the South, where we will meet them.

Right now, Dorian is helping us by facilitating communications. My own right-hand team, Patrick, Jared, Saul, and Nathan, have returned to our village to collect all the evidence against Karina that we've been gathering for years now. Then they will make their own journey to the border. The only reason we're still lingering here is because Sophia wants to remove the magic that was placed on the pups belonging to this pack, and because her mother is still in critical condition.

"We're very grateful to her," Dorian says, quietly. "You have no idea how it feels to finally breathe easy again."

"I do know." I glance behind me at the closed bedroom door behind which my mate is resting. "She did the same for my pack. It's not easy for her, either. She's not very good at protecting her interests. So I do that for her."

The meaning behind my words is not lost on Dorian. If Sophia is overwhelmed, I'll put a stop to everything, no matter the consequences.

"I understand," the Alpha says. "She's got too generous a heart. It's not common amongst our kind. Wolf shifters are more bloodthirsty and brutish. Your mate is…she's different."

Dorian is choosing his words carefully, probably so as not to offend me, but he's right. Sophia is more empathetic. She always was. When I met her, I constantly confused her empathy for recklessness. She would throw herself into dangerous situations, just to help someone. She was also more sensitive than I was, a fact that she hid behind a prickly exterior.

My heart tightens.

My actions in the very beginning must have left horrifying bruises on her heart. And yet, she's forgiven me for them, always understanding. What I just said to Dorian is true. She doesn't know where the line is when it comes to her safety, which is why I have to draw it for her.

"She's the Silver Wolf," I give Dorian an easy smile. "What did you expect? She's not going to be like us in most regards."

I have no intention of sharing my mate's weaknesses with anyone, not even the man risking his life to give us a place to stay. Weaknesses can be exploited, and Sophia has enough people after her. I don't want to add any more to the list.

"You're right," Dorian agrees. "Now, about why I'm here. One of the representatives of the Central Alliance wants to see you. Since all the alliance representatives are now returning to their respective territories, they made a quick stop here. I believe he wanted to see Sophia but at the last moment, he changed his mind and asked for you instead.”

Invitations are always sent to the leaders of the three alliances for the Winter Banquet.. The attendees from each alliance include the leader of the alliance, along with the alphas of the packs within that alliance. However, the Central Alliance has never sent any of their Alphas, nor has the King of the Central Alliance ever made an appearance. He sends representatives instead. Karina always considered this an insult, since it is always the leader of the North Alliance who hosts the Winter Banquet. However, there wasn't anything she could do but accept this slight.

Dorian's words have me blinking in surprise. “Someone from the Central Alliance wants to speak to me?”

“He’s waiting outside.”

I look over my shoulder once again before replying. "I'll speak to him outside. Sophia is resting right now. I don’t want her to be disturbed.”

I follow Dorian outside. The man standing near the entrance looks a little familiar. He’s the one who spoke up in favor of Sophia during the showdown at the banquet. In fact, he had also been standing quite close to Sophia when I had arrived.

“How can I help you?”

A long time ago, the continent we live on was divided into three alliances. They were created to prevent the kind of territorial wars which had caused too much damage to our kind over the generations. Our numbers were beginning to decline. The North Alliance, the South Alliance, and the Central Alliance were all headed by three different individuals and had multiple packs under their rule.

Over time though, I don't know when, the members of each alliance began to display defining features. The North alliance, where I originate from, usually has shifters with dark black hair and fair skin. The fur of our wolves is also black in color. Those from the South have predominantly brown hair with tan skin. Their fur mirrors the brown of their hair.

The wolves from the Central Alliance have white fur and in their human form, their hair is grayish. Sophia’s hair is gray and her fur is silver. Her mother’s hair is silver. While it is not indicative of their identities as the Silver Wolves, it is a mark of the Central Alliance.

At first, I hadn't understood why Sophia never considered that fact. But when I discovered that the alpha of the Red Rock Wolf Pack that she had been raised in, had limited her education, it made sense. Even now, I’m not entirely sure if Sophia realizes that she has the distinctive features of a wolf from the Central Alliance.

The man before me is tall with gray hair and icy blue eyes. “I would appreciate itif you do not mention my visit to anyone.”

There's no formal greeting, just a nosedive into the conversation.

“I'm assuming my mate does not count in those people?"

He shakes his head. “This message is for her. She will have questions for me—questions I am not in a position to answer right now. Therefore, I thought it would be best to simply meet you, her consort.”

There’s a difference between Sophia calling me her consort and somebody else referring to me as such.

It angers me.